Curriculum: CHANGES AND UPDATES Building a Strong Foundation August 2017
agenda Review legal responsibilities and implications for curriculum Review elements of Course Outline of Record Provide Curriculum Institute updates eLUMEN Update Next steps
Curriculum is at the CORe of what we do.
Curriculum, the Law, and YOU The course outline of record (COR) is a legal document that must contain certain required elements that are outlined in §55002 of Title 5. The COR serves as a legal contract between the faculty, student, and the college.
Curriculum, the Law, and YOU: Who Says So?? CA Education Code Statute Determined by legislation Title 5 Interprets Ed Code into regulations Determined by Board of Governors
Curriculum, the Law, and YOU: Who Says So?? Chancellor’s Office Program and Course Approval Handbook (PCAH) Establishes specific guidelines for implementing Title 5 Developed by Chancellor’s Office with Academic Senate (ASCCC) and CCC Curriculum Committee (5C – formerly SACC) Chancellor’s Office Guidelines Further clarify implementation of Title 5 i.e. Guidelines for Repetition and Repeatability ASCCC papers and reference guides Papers on COR, effective approval processes, etc.
REQUIRED ELEMENTS OF THE COR: Credit Course per Title 5 §55002 Unit value Total contact hours for course Conditions of enrollment: requisites, advisories, other conditions Catalog description Objectives Content (typically in outline form) Reading and Writing Assignments Other outside-of-class assignments Methods of instruction Methods of evaluation/grading policy
Additional items for the COR Why we might want it College level reading and writing assignments Insufficient detail might lead to a request for syllabi Transfer/GE Information/C-ID It can be helpful to have this info on the COR Student learning Outcomes Required by ACCJC standard II.A.3 and should be different from objectives Course Objectives Term-Required by C-ID DE modality Not required to be on COR but separate approval process is required by Title 5 §55206 for online and hybrid CB codes
Why Ensure Quality and Accuracy? Approval: Certification and correct data for COCI speed up the process. Apportionment: Ed Code and Title 5 §55100 and §55130 give the Chancellor’s Office the authority to “terminate the ability of a district to offer courses [and educational programs]… until such time a district demonstrates compliance with all requirements for certification.” Articulation: Curriculum is evaluated for quality by transfer institutions, C-ID, and external regulatory bodies.
….cont. …Why Ensure Quality and Accuracy? Accreditation: Standard II.A.3, among others, requires certain elements for courses, including Student Learning Outcomes, resources, etc. 5. Access: Ultimately, quality assurance matters for the students. When the curriculum committee does its job, students have access to courses and programs that are current, cohesive, and clear about goals and pathways. 6. Accuracy of CB codes: We report the MIS data using CB codes. Funding from state and federal agencies utilize the CB codes as well.
Curriculum Institute Update/changes Update/Change#1: Local Certification Process has changed. Stand alone credit courses Changes to existing credit courses Addition of new credit courses to an existing program Implication: College is ensuring that the local approval process follow the statutes and regulation set forth in Education Code and Title 5.
Curriculum Institute Update/changes Change #2: Title 5 language changed to state what MUST BE included on COR. (exact language at end of presentation) Total student learning hours= contact hours + out of class hours must be listed on COR. (Currently only lists contact hours) Implications: waiting for timeline for compliance (meaning total contact hours are listed on COR) elumen has this feature
Curriculum Institute Update/changes Change #3: Title 5 language changed to provide stronger guidance to the colleges regarding units of credit that are to be granted. (exact language at end of presentation) Implications: Cursory review of COR: We are compliant in the method we use to compute units of credit. We will need to follow up with the clock hour calculations
Curriculum Institute Update/changes To calculate units of credit, use the following formula. To compute outside of class hours for a lecture class, for every hour in class, there should be 2 outside of class hours. The divisor for BC is 54. Units of Credit = Contact Hours + Outside-of-class Hours Hours-per-unit Divisor 54 + 108 = 3units 54
eLumen Update
Next Steps: We need your help! The responsibility of Deans, Chairs, and Directors: Ensure all aspects of the COR are accurate Ask the right questions in the initial course review Participate in the validation of SAM codes: coming soon Participate in the clean up project for TOP codes: coming soon
It will take all of us to build a stronger and better BC It will take all of us to build a stronger and better BC! …one CORnerstone at a time! THANK YOU!
Title 5 language excerpts Change #2 language Title 5 § 55002(a)(3) (3) Course Outline of Record. The course is described in a course outline of record that shall be maintained in the official college files and made available to each instructor. The course outline of record shall specify the unit value, the expected number of contact hours, outside-of-class hours, and total student learning hours for the course as a whole,; the prerequisites, corequisites, or advisories on recommended preparation (if any) for the course,; the catalog description, objectives, and content in terms of a specific body of knowledge. The course outline of record shall also specify types or provide examples of required reading and writing assignments, other outside-of-class assignments, instructional methodology, and methods of evaluation for determining whether the stated objectives have been met by students.
TITLE 5 LANGUAGE EXCERPTS Change #3 language Title 5§ 55002(a)(2)(B) (B) Units. The course grants units of credit based upon a relationship specified by the governing board between the number of units assigned to the course and the number of lecture and/or laboratory hours or performance criteria specified in the course outline in a manner consistent with the provisions of section 55002.5. The course outline of record shall record the total number of hours in each instructional category specified in governing board policy, the total number of expected outside-of-class hours, and the total student learning hours used to calculate the award of credit. The course also requires a minimum of three hours of student work per week, including class time for each unit of credit, prorated for short-term, extended term, laboratory and/or activity courses.
SUGGESTED CURRICULUM QUESTIONS For course revisions Request a summary of the changes Will this course change affect another course in a program? (A unit change impacts ADT.) For new courses: What is the justification for the course? What data supports the need for the course? State how this course fits into the mission of the College. Will this course be part of a program? What is the impact on student’s total units and/or financial aid? Are there adequate resources for this course (faculty, equipment, classroom space/lab space)? For CTE courses- labor market data should support the need for the course.