BMS Church Partners is the relationship programme with BMS for Baptist churches. It connects your church to mission.
Have a more personal experience of engaging with world mission Get involved Have a more personal experience of engaging with world mission BMS Church Partners aims to meet the increasing demand from churches for a more personal experience of engaging with world mission, through partnership and active relationships.
Be inspired There is lots of choice Your church prayer and giving makes mission possible in your areas of interest BMS Church Partners offers choices in how a partnership is structured with three different focus options. A Partner church’s giving supports the people and work it has as its focus up to the value that BMS is committed to through its budgets.
Express your heart for mission Consider what inspires your church in world mission Shape your partnership around this interest In deciding how to shape the partnership, BMS would encourage a church to consider what it is that most inspires and enthuses it in world mission. If you have a heart for a region of the world then you can choose to focus your partnership on that region. If you have a passion for a type of ministry then you can choose to focus on that. If you know and want to support specific people serving in mission, then choose the people focus. And remember, you can choose people plus either a region or ministry!
So how does it work? When you sign up to Church Partners you can create a partnership portfolio, which you can design yourself – or talk to us about your interests and we’ll create one for you.
Ministry focus Region focus People focus Choose one from: Church Development Education Health Justice Leadership Region focus Choose one from: Africa Asia Europe South America Middle East and North Africa People focus Choose up to three mission workers Churches can focus their partnership through any one of three options: Ministry Region People And can even choose people plus either ministry or region. Where a church chooses either a ministry or region, BMS will allocate three mission workers who will provide the feedback within that focus. Across all of our work – whatever the ministry, wherever we work ‘the highest goal of all we do is to bring people to a saving faith in Jesus Christ…’ (p20 For God…)
Either Ministry or Region Up to 3 People Either Ministry or Region Church So, any one church can have a partnership focus with up to three mission workers in the people focus Plus Either a ministry focus Or a region focus
Partner churches will receive: a partnership certificate prayer letters blog updates video messages email notifications of new content access to BMS Speakers, including mission workers a customised BMS Live Feed for their website Partner churches will receive: a partnership certificate prayer letters from each partner mission worker blogs from partner mission workers video messages from chosen mission workers and others email notifications of new content on partnered mission worker profile pages – these emails go to the church partner contact on behalf of the church access to the BMS Speakers programme, including mission workers a customised BMS Live Feed for their website
Feedback comes mainly through a redeveloped and enhanced profile page for mission workers delivering more of a social media experience. It’s a profile that’s active and changing unlike the old ones that were static and fixed. Tabs carry content on: Blogs Prayer letters Videos Home assignment And there’s a section highlighting the latest activity. Church members with internet access can bookmark the profile pages of partnered mission workers and keep right up to date like never before. We also automatically send a monthly email reminder to Church Partner contacts to visit the profile pages of their partnered mission workers.
The Church Partners Live Feed is automatically customised to the church’s expressed partnership focus and carries the blogs, videos and prayer letters of all the partner mission workers for the church. The Live Feed is quick and simple to generate and install on your church website and its tailored content automatically up-dates. It needs no maintenance from the host.
Mission workers when on home assignment Regional volunteers Your church could really benefit from having a BMS speaker visit your church. BMS speakers include: BMS staff speakers Mission workers when on home assignment Regional volunteers Volunteer speakers have served with BMS in some capacity. All speakers are resourced and trained by BMS. Available to request at any time Request any speaker specifically by name Complete an online request form Requests can be made at any time, but this is a request system not a booking system. We do our best to meet every request but need to balance supply with demand so we currently work on the basis of one engagement per church per year. Specific speakers can be requested by name, including mission workers when available on home assignment. We publish their availability through their web profile page and prayer letters and encourage them to do so in their blogs.
Church Partner Contact Receive updates and email notifications Encourage the partnership Maintain contact with Partner mission workers Additional role to BMS Rep Although an additional role to the BMS Rep, this could be the same person; whatever works for your church.
Comprehensive feedback An open adaptable future Flexible More choice: Ministries People Regions Adaptable BMS Speakers Comprehensive feedback An open adaptable future BMS Church Partners has been designed to provide all of this.
Please consider becoming a BMS Church Partner Please consider becoming a BMS Church Partner. This partnership makes it possible to transform lives in the least evangelised, most marginalised and most fragile places in the world. BMS Church Partners has been designed to provide all of this.