ADVENTURES IN RECRUITING NEW FREE SOFTWARE NINJAS: BOUNTIES PRESENTED BY Máirín Duffy Fedora Design Team Lead & Sr. Interaction Designer, Red Hat, Inc. This presentation is under a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License. Please enjoy and share.
Who am I? QUICK STATS: Operating System Fedora 15 Desktop Environment GNOME 3 Fedora has everything you need to produce awesome mockups. Fedora needs your help to get better. We need to cultivate a culture in which mockups are used as a design tool much more than we are today. Occupation Interaction Designer at Red Hat Fedora Design Team Lead Early 2006 Last used OS X, Windows, or any Adobe stuff How the heck do you pronounce your name? Just call me “Mo.” :)
What am I talking about? (and why should you care?) Do you need more contributors for your project? Do you want to help out but aren't sure how? Fedora has everything you need to produce awesome mockups. Fedora needs your help to get better. We need to cultivate a culture in which mockups are used as a design tool much more than we are today.
THE PROBLEM. Fedora has everything you need to produce awesome mockups. Fedora needs your help to get better. We need to cultivate a culture in which mockups are used as a design tool much more than we are today. Photo Credit: “Chicken and Egg” by Ecstatic Mark on Flickr. Used under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 license.
THE PROBLEM. Fedora has everything you need to produce awesome mockups. Fedora needs your help to get better. We need to cultivate a culture in which mockups are used as a design tool much more than we are today. Photo Credit: “Heavy load” by masterplaan on Flickr. Used under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 license.
THE PROBLEM. Fedora has everything you need to produce awesome mockups. Fedora needs your help to get better. We need to cultivate a culture in which mockups are used as a design tool much more than we are today. Photo Credit: “Sleeping” by kaibara87 on Flickr. Used under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 license.
THE PROBLEM. Fedora has everything you need to produce awesome mockups. Fedora needs your help to get better. We need to cultivate a culture in which mockups are used as a design tool much more than we are today. Photo Credit: “Deep dark forest” by craig Cloutier on Flickr. Used under a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.0 license.
A LOT OF PROBLEMS TO SOLVE: #1 Not enough designers to attract more. #2 The ones we have are overloaded. #3 Too overloaded, in fact, to enable new recruits. Fedora has everything you need to produce awesome mockups. Fedora needs your help to get better. We need to cultivate a culture in which mockups are used as a design tool much more than we are today. #4 New recruits are easily lost without guidance or direction.
Fedora has everything you need to produce awesome mockups. Fedora needs your help to get better. We need to cultivate a culture in which mockups are used as a design tool much more than we are today.
The first bounty Fedora has everything you need to produce awesome mockups. Fedora needs your help to get better. We need to cultivate a culture in which mockups are used as a design tool much more than we are today.
Other bounties Fedora has everything you need to produce awesome mockups. Fedora needs your help to get better. We need to cultivate a culture in which mockups are used as a design tool much more than we are today.
Christian moved on. (It happens.) Fedora has everything you need to produce awesome mockups. Fedora needs your help to get better. We need to cultivate a culture in which mockups are used as a design tool much more than we are today.
NINJAS ARE AWESOME #1 You'll be surprised how many amazing would-be contributors are out there if you only take the first step in getting them acclimated. #2 Even if a ninja moves on, they'll have deepened their free sw contribution experience and may help expand the talent pool of the greater community. Fedora has everything you need to produce awesome mockups. Fedora needs your help to get better. We need to cultivate a culture in which mockups are used as a design tool much more than we are today.
How to build a bounty Fedora has everything you need to produce awesome mockups. Fedora needs your help to get better. We need to cultivate a culture in which mockups are used as a design tool much more than we are today.
Set the stage.
State the mission.
Provide a clear example.
Provide resources & tools.
Outline the benefits.
Cool graphics
Ground rules + Contact info
CREATING A BOUNTY #1 Set the stage / give a problem statement. #2 State the mission. #3 Provide a clear example of what you need. #4 Provide resources & tools. #5 Outline the benefits. #6 Cool graphics grab attention. Fedora has everything you need to produce awesome mockups. Fedora needs your help to get better. We need to cultivate a culture in which mockups are used as a design tool much more than we are today. #7 Set ground rules and provide contact info for assistance.
Don't forget to give props! Fedora has everything you need to produce awesome mockups. Fedora needs your help to get better. We need to cultivate a culture in which mockups are used as a design tool much more than we are today.
Show off the work! Fedora has everything you need to produce awesome mockups. Fedora needs your help to get better. We need to cultivate a culture in which mockups are used as a design tool much more than we are today.
REMEMBER ME? Fedora has everything you need to produce awesome mockups. Fedora needs your help to get better. We need to cultivate a culture in which mockups are used as a design tool much more than we are today. Photo Credit: “Sleeping” by kaibara87 on Flickr. Used under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 license.
It's an investment for the future. Fedora has everything you need to produce awesome mockups. Fedora needs your help to get better. We need to cultivate a culture in which mockups are used as a design tool much more than we are today.
Questions? Fedora Design Bounties This presentation is under a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License. Please enjoy and share. Fedora Design Bounties This presentation was created through the exclusive use of free software and content: Fedora 15 • LibreOffice Impress • Inkscape • GIMP • Firefox Creative Commons licensed artwork • Openly-licensed fonts (M+ among others)