Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater in Ghazni an Maidn Wardak Provinces of Afghanistan 21, June, 2016 Eng. Hassan Saffi
Outline Afghanistan Distribution pattern of Arsenic concentration in Finding Arsenic contamination in DWPs of Afghanistan Distribution pattern of Arsenic concentration in the DWPs of study area High Arsenic content DWPs and possible health impact Hydro-Chemistry trend and other water quality concern elements Recommendation
Arsenic and other trace element contamination may be concern due to availibilit of source minerals in Afghanistan
Peoples using high Arsenic content drinking water in Panjsher province of Afghanistan
Recent Q: Gravel, Sand, Silt and Clay Late- Recent Q: Gravel, sand, Silt clay, clay and conglomerate Late Q: Gravel mixed with sand, silt and clay, conglomerate and clay Middle Q: Conglomerate, sand with sand and silt and clay Oligocene: Phase 2, Granodiorite Eocene: Dunit, peridotite and serpentines Late Permian: Limestone, dolomite, marl, Carboniferous-Earl Permian: Siltstone, sandstone, shale, marfic volcanic Late Devonian: Siltstone, sandstone and limestone Middle Proterozoic: shiest, gneiss, quartz, marble and amphibolites
Arsenic contamination in the study area Arsenic contamination is mostly Geologic occurrence Distribution pattern of Arsenic concentration in the DWPs is irregular. Arsenic concentrations ranged 0.00- 0.7990 mg/L No clear clinical information about health effect of using high As content DW
Ghzni city with human population density and high Arsenic content drinking water
Time series arsenic concentration values variation
Arsenic concentration levels in Surface water 0.016 mg/L 0.021 mg/L
Groundwater major ions chemistry of Chazni city
Groundwater major ions chemistry of Khwaja Umary district
Hydro-Chemistry model of Study area
Recommendation Enhance capacity building of WASH sector Construct the DWPs in regard technical hydro-geological and WQ consideration. Encourage practical research for availability of alternative WSs Search cost effective technology for removal of Arsenic content drinking water
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