IRAQ – DUHOK SECTORAL & COORDINATION MEETINGS SCHEDULE (Refugees) Sector WGs Meetings for the Month of May 2016 Food WG Meeting Health & Nutrition WG Meeting Child Protection SWG Meeting SGBV SWG Meeting Protection Working Group Meeting Education WG Meeting WASH Coordination Meeting for Domiz 1st , 3rd Wednesday 11am WFP Meeting Room at Mazi Tower #2 (4th floor) 4th Wednesday 12pm Duhok DOH. Office 2nd Monday 10am DoLSA Meeting Room. 2nd Wednesday 10am DCVAW Conf. Room 1st and 3rd Thursday 9:30am UNHCR Conf. Room. 2nd Wednesday 11am DoE Meeting Room 3rd Tuesday 9am BRHA Domiz-1 Meeting Room. Shelter/NFI/ Meeting Emergency Livelihoods and Social Cohesion Meeting Health & Hygiene Meeting Cash Assistance SWG Meeting CCM Meeting for Refugees (camp and non-camp) CCCM Meeting for Refugees and IDPS (camp and non-camp) 3rd Monday 2pm BRHA Office in Duhok 4th Wednesday 10am Governorate Office Conf. Room 3rd Monday 11am Preventive Health Directorate 2nd Monday 04pm TEAR FUND Meeting Room 5th Tuesday 11am BRHA Domiz-1 Meeting Room 4th Monday 11am BRHA Office in Duhok Schedule and location of the meeting can change – updates will be circulated via email and will be available on UNHCR web portal Kindly note that weeks start to be counted from the first Sunday of the month FOR ANY UPDATES ON THE OVERALL SCHEDULE, PLEASE CONTACT UNHCR - RASHEED HUSSEIN RASHEED / +9647507130014 / EMAIL: RASHEEDR@UNHCR.ORG (Last Updated: 27 April 2016)