Produced by: Mr. Example Chapter 1: God Speaks Produced by: Mr. Example
Warm up Write about your favorite family story. Where did the story occur? How did you feel? How where these feelings different from the ones you feel on a daily basis.
Storytelling & God’s Plan How do we learn about God & his plan? The stories of your faith are told in the Bible and continued in the Tradition of the Church. The Bible (Sacred Scripture) is God’s word, written by humans acting under God’s direction and guidance. The Tradition of the Church & the Bible are sources of God’s revelation.
Revelation – is the process by which God makes himself known Revelation – is the process by which God makes himself known. The chief sources of revelation are Scripture and Tradition. Scripture – the sacred writings written by humans in the Bible (also known as the Bible) Tradition - a body of teachings, or any one of them, held to have been delivered by Christ and His apostles but not originally committed to writing
God is recognized as the “Principal Author” of the Bible, even though humans wrote the Bible. The Holy Spirit helped the writers write the Bible and the Holy Spirit continues to guide the Church today with its traditions.
Over a period of more than 600 years, various people wrote the Bible. Many stories in the Bible were passed down orally from generation to generation before they were written. Over a period of more than 600 years, various people wrote the Bible. The Bible… Presents the story of God’s presence Presents God’s saving plan and actions for his people
God revealed his saving plan of salvation by sending Jesus, his son and the Holy Spirit. Salvation – is the loving action of God’s forgiveness of sins and the restoration of friendship with him brought by Jesus
Different types of writing in the bible Forms – are names given to the different styles of writing found in the Bible Descriptions – tell the characteristics of the writing style Examples – are the books or stories in the Bible that demonstrate the literary form
Psalms & Canticles Pslams & Canticles Poems and prayers that were once sung Example: The Book of Psalms
Apocalyptic literature A form of writing that describes the destruction of evil and the coming of God’s reign. Example: The Book of Revelation
Letters Letters Messages addressed to early Christians by the Apostles & their followers Example: The Letters of Paul
Parables Parables Short Stories told to answer a question or illustrate a deeper point Examples: The Prodigal Son & The Sower
Short Stories Short Stories Stories told to show how virtuous people live Example: Joseph and his brothers
Historical Accounts Historical Accounts Accounts written to reveal God’s activity in the world Examples: The Books of Chronicles, Kings, and Acts
Folktales Folktales Old stories changed and expanded by biblical writers to teach certain truths about God Example: The Book of Ruth
God’s Message God speaks through all of the literary forms of the Bible. The most important truth of both Sacred Scripture and Tradition is that God is faithful and wants you to live with him forever. Scripture and Tradition contains truths that guide your life.