Practical Health Interoperability, LLC IHE Patient Care Devices Domain Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) Patient Care Devices Domain (PCD) Alarm Communication Management (ACM) 2013-2014 Cycle Efforts IHE PCD 2013 Spring F2F, San Diego, CA (updated 4/18/2013) Monroe Pattillo Practical Health Interoperability, LLC Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA IHE Patient Care Devices Domain ACM Working Group © 2013 ACCE, HIMSS, IHE
2013-2014 Cycle Goals General edits to ACM TI CP to change Alarm to Alert to extend reach Merge final 2012-2013 Cycle CP into TI Extract untested features & options Add ACM to PCD Technical Framework Point out CPs needed to other documents Report any issues with Test Tool to NIST Create list of alarms and parameters for RTM for alarms & events for entry into NIST RTMMS 2
General Edits to ACM TI Restore lost diagrams and tables that disappeared during Word to PDF transition 3
CP to change Alarm to Alert to extend reach IEEE 11073 Domain Information Model (DIM) identifies Alerts = Alarms (physiological & technical) + Advisories Applicability of ACM as Alarm Communication Management is narrow (alarms only) Applicability of ACM as Alert Communication Management is broader (alerts = alarms & advisories) PCD-04 as ORU^R40 unchanged Profile and actor acronyms unchanged – AR stays AR, etc. Transaction labels unchanged (PCD-04 stays PCD-04) Transaction names change Report Alarm → Report Alert, etc. Add new optional (assumes Alarm) parameter (OBX seg) ALERT_CLASS = MDC_EVT_ALARM (Alarm) or MDC_EVT_ADVIS_CHK (Advisory) Events are covered under separate profile 4
CP to change Alarm to Alert to extend reach Per IEEE 11073 Domain Information Model ALERT ALARM EVENT Physiological Technical ADVISORY 5
Merging 2012-2013 Cycle CPs ACM 2012 CP 05 + ACM 2013 CP to change Alarm to Alert will be the basis for the merge 6
Extract Untested Features & Options These have never been implemented These have never been tested As they are all in the current TI they can be resurrected should the need arise PCD-05 Report Alarm Status (delivery confirmation from AM back to AR) WCM option of PCD-04 & PCD-06 (ability to send evidentiary data [ECG waveforms] to mobile devices) PCD-04 PRT option (PIN/carrier) 7
Add ACM to PCD Technical Framework Joint effort – PCD TF mgmt & ACM WG Correct any section structuring issues Adjust diagram titles 8
Point out CPs Needed for Other Documents PCD TF MSH-19 Principal Language (639, not 659) HL7 ACK MSH-7 Timestamp (value origin clarification) MSH-15 & 16 (indicate both must be empty) 9
Report any issues with Test Tool to NIST Processing for MSH-19 in original message versus ACK seems different Case insignificant in original message Case significant in ACK Component details in MSH-3..6 silent rejection if not matching or missing NIST Test Tool release packaging Versioning Release Notes 10
ACM and RTM for Alarms & Events Joint effort with RTM WG First list the all the alarms across all participating vendors (ignore filtering) Second list all parameters for each alarm across all participating vendors Initial device types Infusion pumps Physiological monitors SPO2 monitors Ventilators Nurse Call Beds 11