The University Purchasing Card APUR 102 The University Purchasing Card
APUR 102 P-card Refresher This session will cover the parameters of the Purchasing Card program to include: Limits of the card Cardholder responsibilities Lost/stolen or compromised cards Monthly cardholder duties & will touch on Liaison responsibilities
The P-card program does not replace the Purchase Order system. APUR 102 P-card Refresher The University of South Carolina Purchasing Card (P-card) program has been designed to help better manage low dollar supplies, selected contractual services, membership fees, and non-restricted commodities. The P-card program does not replace the Purchase Order system. Follow the link below to download the policy and procedures manual:
Eligibility Requirements: APUR 102 P-card Refresher Eligibility Requirements: Applicant must be a USC Employee The Approval of Department Head Training Session Attendance Signature on Cardholder Agreement (upon issuance of card)
For official/legitimate University business purchases APUR 102 P-card Refresher About the card To be used: For official/legitimate University business purchases Only by the individual named on the card Card Limitations: $4,99.99 per transaction (including freight, delivery, installation & sales & use tax) $10,000 per month
What can I buy or what can’t I buy? APUR 102 P-card Refresher What can I buy or what can’t I buy? Travel (Tickets, hotels, railroads, taxi’s, etc.), Food and food items (napkins, plates, utensils, food wraps, cooler, microwave, etc.), Plants, Flowers, Gifts/Giveaways, Stamps, Gift Cards, Clothing, Personnel Consumption Items (Kleenex, hand sanitizer, first-aid supplies, air freshener, etc.), Rentals, Greeting Cards, Registration Fees if associated with travel or meals, All student registrations, Tickets for any type of entertainment, Dry Cleaning, or other items in the blocked Merchant Category List If purchase is in question, please contact your liaison Memberships, Subscriptions, General Office Supplies, Services, programmatic supplies Mandated to purchase any items from State Contracts
Maintain in a secure location at all times APUR 102 P-card Refresher Security Maintain in a secure location at all times Who can use the card? Only the approved cardholder. Use by anyone other than the cardholder is strictly prohibited. What do I do if I misplace my card? Immediately report a lost/stolen or compromised card to Bank of America at 1-800-538-8788 (24/365).
General questions answered here… APUR 102 P-card Refresher What do you do if you erroneously charge a personal item on your p-card? Why would my p-card be declined? Can I split a transaction to circumvent the purchase limitations? Can I return “stuff”? General questions answered here…
You mean I have to do more?! APUR 102 P-card Refresher Monthly Statements….. You mean I have to do more?! Disputes – what to do if a charge appears that is incorrect Signatures – who needs to sign, and why. Who keeps all this? How long do I have to keep my statements? State requires 3 years Federal requires 7 years
Receiving your monthly statement: Cardholder will: • Submit itemized vendor receipt, invoice, packing slip and any other additional supporting documentation to Department Liaison. Packing lists are not acceptable in lieu of receipt • Provide missing receipt affidavit to liaison for those receipts unable to obtain and or receive duplicate copies. Must also be signed by the immediate supervisor. Repeated use of this method will subject Cardholder to loss of privileges. • Indicate alternate cost center, object code, and/or cost share account code for purchases to be charged if different than the default assigned to the Purchasing Card. • If the Cardholder is also the liaison, it is a requirement that an approver must be designated to also approve the transactions of the liaison in the WORKS application. This is in addition to the supervisor and/or Department Head approving the paper electronic statement. The approver may be any employee. Not necessarily your immediate supervisor. • Sign the Purchasing Card statement.
New Cardholder Audit (after Year 1) APUR 102 P-card Refresher New Cardholder Audit (after Year 1) P-card is good for 3 years Upon expiration all cardholders will be required to take a refresher exam (Questions come directly from policies and procedures Test will be administered through Blackboard If cardholder fails the test they will be required to sit for training again and retake the test
Spending Transparency APUR 102 P-card Refresher Spending Transparency
Leaving the University or Changing Departments? APUR 102 P-card Refresher Leaving the University or Changing Departments? How many years can I keep my card?
APUR 102 P-card Refresher QUESTIONS