Subject Development in History Monitoring Assessment Quality Reporting Staff Development (MARRA)
The role of the subject leader Vision -why- Accountability- who Improve subject Staff development Self CPD Assure entitlement Assure standards Promote quality in learning and teaching Develop resources Communicate… Need for Evidence
Monitoring What might be monitored ? What activities might be sources of evidence? What criteria influence choices re monitoring? What does successful monitoring require? What are the barriers ?
Monitoring systems Context- Protocols Management School improvement plan People Focussed Manageable Transparent equitable Distinctive recursive subject
Every Child Matters/ Inclusion Coverage of KS Year group equal access Special needs- removal of barriers Able child Higher attainers- depth, progression Personal Learning- breadth of appeal, ownership Relevance, content, cross curricular links
Standards attainment of NC learning objectives Whole school general picture/trends Whole school context development strands Progress achievement Ofsted
Assessment still remains a problem in primary schools Assessment still remains a problem in primary schools. It is given too low a priority, not least because there is no statutory requirement to use numerical levels and because many classroom teachers believe that it is not really necessary. As a consequence OFSTED has recently found that : 'Fewer than one quarter of schools have good systems for assessing history at Key Stages 1 and 2. Where it is good, schools have developed a structured approach linked to progression and pupils' work is marked using subject specific comments. These schools are developing portfolios of work to illustrate standards and guide teachers in making accurate age related assessments. Such good practice is rare.'
The most frequent criticism by inspectors is of poor marking in general, rather than history-specific, and often setting insufficiently high expectations. OFSTED say that often individual teachers assess history in their own way so that the outcomes are unsystematic and of doubtful reliability and validity.
Such weakness needs to be tackled at whole school level, and drawing on expertise available from outside if it is not to be found within. It starts with straightforward good practice : that tasks should have objectives; and that pupils, teachers and others should know how well they have done on significant individual pieces of work, and over a period of time.
Attainment- what exactly Specific elements related to aspects of programme study skills or knowledge Chronology Period characteristics e.g. knowledge of famous person Key points of an event- significance Evidence from artefacts Causes and consequences Use of documents Uses of artefacts Speaking and listening Specific use of language Questioning Which is harder to assess? Implications? Activity what are we assessing here?
Achievement Outcomes – making doing explaining Depth Interpretations Attitudes to subject Reading/Book review Staff /children/class/school/individual Depth Quality Spiral conceptual development progression
Monitoring strategies Looking at plans Observing teachers Observing children Interviews children Questioning Task e.g. mystery object Work samples Tally kinds of question Tally responses Questionnaire
Reporting ( and promoting) Who..? Stake holders Governors Head Staff Children Parents HOW ?? Formal systems Informal ‘advertising’ What sort of data? What happens to your data?
Reporting To… Ofsted Head Teacher Governors Colleagues On… System and rationale for monitoring How do you know what is going on ? What is the evidence?
Reporting to Parents History is Sat free! Annual report a statutory requirement How to make a meaningful report of individual attainment /achievement once a year ? Problems/opportunities How to help staff
Assessment What is useful ? Meaningful Manageable
Assessment strategy Use PoS Use medium term plans Identify learning out comes/ success criteria Exemplification of ATs moderation Exemplify higher attainment Exemplify lower attainment Simple format easy access Not just ticks Relevant comment
Hampshire Strategy Activity Remember ‘What can we learn about Elizabeth I and how she rules the country from this portrait’ Here are some other examples and materials to look at
Quality Making judgements validating practice quality teaching quality learning Ofsted’s View - enquiry, chronology Share experiences/perceptions of quality
Showing off Display Photos Work samples Tracking individuals Moderation Ofsted reports Notes of visit- Advisers/inspectors Subject development notes Cluster groups Performance Portfolio- discuss what , who for, levels???
Staff Development Factors to consider Context What ? Why? Who? When? How will I know? And then what happens? Scenario – preparation for implementation of Rose review