Improving Governance Governance arrangements in complex and challenging circumstances Ofsted HMCI survey Dec 2016
HMCI survey Dec 2016 • investigates the challenges facing governing bodies in schools • based on a call for evidence & evidence from routine inspections and monitoring visits • identifies barriers faced by governors • identifies the actions taken to strengthen their professional skills and roles as effective, strategic school leaders
The current environment for governance The considerable transformation of the education landscape and the changes to school structures, assessment, curriculum and statutory testing have had an impact on governance Successive government policy developments have resulted in considerable change to the role of governing bodies Successive changes and revisions to the ‘Governance Handbook’ Expectations have been raised
Challenges for governance Being in an increasingly diverse education system Accountability – simply knowing how to hold leaders to account but also about the strategic overview role of governors Capacity – enough time to manage the workload in a voluntary capacity – especially true for chairs Keeping up to date with the constant changes Whether boards have the right skills and knowledge to do the job
Specific areas of knowledge that boards found important Understanding the work, priorities and culture of the school and how it functions Budget management in a context of tighter finances
Key findings – where governance is weak….. There is an insufficiently challenging relationship with the headteacher Governors had not accessed the necessary training to challenge effectively or develop the skills and knowledge to do so There were poor systems and procedures A lack of looking outwards or keeping up to date with developments in education Little attention on pupil outcomes An inability to account for PP funding or comply with safeguarding requirements
Key areas of focus Understanding performance Skills and knowledge Roles, responsibilities and lines of accountability Effective external support and guidance The ability of governing bodies to reflect on their own practice Supporting professional expertise
RI to Good – what made the difference ? At the time of the previous inspection ( RI or less), governors did not have enough focus on raising standards and school improvement They did not make effective use of information about pupils’ performance Many could not account for the impact of additional funding to support disadvantaged pupils
3 critical factors led to improvement – 1st critical factor The schools became aware of the weaknesses in their governance arrangements. Two thirds of the survey schools had not engaged in any form of self evaluation of governance prior to getting to be good Too often, it is not until the school has an Ofsted inspection that leaders realise weaknesses in governance
2nd critical factor Governors were able to develop professional knowledge, understanding and insight within the board This may have meant changing the composition of the board and / or accessing external professional expertise One governor said …..’ we didn’t know that we didn’t know… we were not ready to support and challenge because we did not know what to do or how to do it….’
Third critical factor Establishing clarity about governors’ roles, responsibilities and lines of accountability This was particularly the case in schools which were part of multi-academy trusts
Key findings – further detail Many governors lack the expertise needed in an increasingly complex education system to hold school leaders to account Governors need better access to highly skilled people who have the educational expertise to help them meet the increased demands of the role Recruitment and retention of governors is a serious challenge Clarity about the lines of accountability, roles and responsibilities is an essential part of effective governance ( especially strategic leadership role)
Key findings ….. Weak governance is at risk of going undetected until the school is inspected by Ofsted. A lack of effective internal or external self evaluation Paying the chairs of governing bodies can act as a means to achieving a professional and open relationship between governors and school leaders – a shift towards a professional partnership rather than relying on the openness of the headteacher Governors from within the community make an essential contribution, particularly in areas of deprivation
Main recommendations Governing boards should ….. Ensure clarity of role, responsibilities and lines of accountability for governance, particularly where multi-level governance makes accountability complex Publish information about governance on the school website in line with statutory requirements or the academy funding agreement to ensure clarity of roles and responsibilities and transparency - see DfE ‘what maintained schools must publish on line’ Secure professional support and training as needed
Multi-academy trusts should….. Review schemes of delegation annually and ensure that clear lines of accountability are understood and are effective – back to trust board level Publish each academy’s annually reviewed scheme of delegation on the website of the MAT Ensure LGBs use support from experts across the trust and beyond to closely monitor the performance of schools where they have delegated responsibility to do so
The DfE should consider….. Publishing national quality standards to encourage schools to continue to improve governance by undertaking robust self assessment Expand the number of NLGs and the provision of professional clerks Ensure greater coordination of the work f NLGs by the National college for teaching and leadership Improve the effectiveness and consistency in the quality of external reviews of governance
How we can support you How you can support yourselves Seek out and use appropriate information such as using the Governance Handbook Seek out and access appropriate training Seek out and use an NLG Ensure you are up to date with Ofsted requirements Use a form of self review – we have shared many Be part of a professional body such as the NGA Seek out and use resources such as through The Key Seek out and share good practice Access support through ‘Thinking Governance’ resource