CEIAG and OFSTED inspections (How to survive an Inspection with all your major organs intact.)
What I do 1. Keep my CEIAG Policy bang up to date 2. Keep an evidence folder up to date 3. Have a clear and detailed programme for every year group with evidence of progression 4. Get rigorous feedback on everything I do from students and parents 5. Use this feedback to improve provision 6. Regularly analyse data 7. Make sure that I know the destination/ intended destination of every student in the school 8. Keep up to date with best practice / OFSTED criteria
Now you All hate me
The Inspector They all vary in their approach (don’t take it personally) They are people (try to establish a rapport) They are sharp and well informed They will challenge you but they are not trying to catch you out They will try and help you to give the answer they are looking for
Triangulation What the students say What other staff and the data says What you say
The Interview 30 minutes Have someone with you Try to lead the discussion Don’t be afraid to acknowledge when things need improvement (but know what you plan to do) Refer to your local circumstances – school and community
Keep Up to date Where might your sources of information be to keep up to date on good practice / Policy?
Destinations Where and how might you find out information about the destinations of your students? NCC Reports Use case studies to highlight successes / challenges Data Raise online Colleges Student feedback
Use Data / Evidence What data and evidence might be useful? Destinations data Number of Guidance Interviews and feedback on effectiveness Number and type of CEAIG events and activities- evidence of outcomes Range of frequency of other types of CEAIG provision – speakers, workshops, work place visits, employer engagement events…Numbers, year groups, disadvantaged groups.
Obtain feedback Use feedback to improve provision What kind of feedback could you easily get? How might you use it?
3. Have a clear programme
Keep an evidence folder Keep a folder They won’t look at it But summaries are useful! Use your folder as a prompt if you get stuck
Policy and Strategy Do have a Policy! Make sure it is reviewed by Governors and do put it on your website. Do know what your overall strategy is (don’t be scared by the word strategy!) Who do you target and for what? What links with employers have you made? Why those and not others?
Try to enjoy it Weird but true It will be over quickly The future of western civilisation does not rest on it (although of course it is important.) Whatever happens, you will receive valuable feedback It may even go well and you get some good comments in the Report