Ofsted – A Headteacher's perspective Lisa F Biggin, Ayresome Primary School
Top ten tips for Headteacher's preparation 1. Pre Information: If your school has been on a significant journey since the last Section 8 or Section 5, consider a PowerPoint presentation to detail the core considerations the team should be aware of and email in advance! 2. One file fits all. Core documentation in one level arch file to demonstrate and cross reference core outcomes. This should be transportable by the team to review overnight. Remove children's personal details. Offer your SEF early. 3. Safeguarding: is significantly heightened. Core features such as SCR, teacher prohibition checks, Right To Work pre-dating new contracts in place. 4.Leadership: at all levels ensure the same messages are embedded, ensure that the Inspectorate do not feel it is a 'one horse race' top down style and that all are empowered, so prepare your staff. More detailed drilling of subject, middle leaders and Governors to be expected as the bar has been raised in terms of leadership and safeguarding accountability.
Top ten tips for Headteacher's preparation 5. Attendance: vigilant approach required, core case study and emphasis upon Children Missing In Education and school/ LA approaches. Mobility- be ready! 6. Learning and teaching: completely broad brush approach to observation, learning walks and scrutiny of materials. Detailed cross-referencing of books with the Headteacher to validate assessments in Reception, Year 2 and Year 6 to check the accuracy of data for indicative outcomes. Headteacher's will be invited to take lesson observations but also learning walks with the Lead Inspector. I undertook three with different foci over two days. Other senior leaders also went along with the team on learning scrutiny walks. 7.Behaviour, personal development and welfare: Inspectors must make a clear written judgement about behaviour and a separate clear written judgement about personal development and welfare in the report. Where the judgements differ, the lower of the two will determine the overall judgement for personal development, behaviour and welfare and is recorded in the report. Remember – to achieve good overall you need to be achieving good in both sections in the Inspection handbook, links to 2 year old/EYFS provisions too!
Top ten tips for Headteacher's preparation 8. Performance management linked to teaching and learning. Core emphasis and detailed interviews abut the impact and case studies of those concerning capability, questions regarding disciplinary outcomes and the CPD leader grilled! 9. EYFS: rigorous sampling and trailing children around the setting to gather evidence of the accuracy of baseline assessments. EYFS leadership under scrutiny and subsequent drilling of data was tough. Linking to baselines for 2 Year Old provision and the impact of 'readiness' provision. Inspectors will judge the overall quality and standards of the early years provision, taking into account: the effectiveness of leadership and management the quality of teaching, learning and assessment how well the provision contributes to children’s personal development, behaviour and welfare outcomes for children. 10. Pupil leadership, dialogues, reading circles, work sampling, School Council, assemblies following up themes on British Values, Radicalisation and Extremism issues with staff such as FGM, Whistleblowing and Allegations Management all high profile.