Section 1.1 What Is Health? Objectives Describe two factors that can be used to evaluate overall health. List three aspects of overall health. Explain how the choices that people make can affect their positions on the health continuum.
Health Stats The graph shows data on the average life span of people in the United States. How did the average life span change from 1900 to 2000? What are some possible reasons for this trend?
Health Today Health refers to the overall well-being of your body, your mind, and your relationships with other people. Life Expectancy The number of years a person can expect to live is called life expectancy. Quality of Life Quality of life is the degree of overall satisfaction that a person gets from life. High quality of life can be a person’s goal. A goal is a result that a person aims for and works hard to reach.
Yesterday Today Infectious Diseases The leading causes of death in 1800’s and early 1900’s. Diseases caused by pathogens, such as bacteria Polio, Tuberculosis, pneumonia, influenza Lifestyle Diseases Diseases caused partly by unhealthy behaviors and partly by other factors Diseases influenced by the CHOICES we make that affect our health Diabetes, Heart Diseases, Cancer
Aspects of Health To achieve a high quality of life, a person must work hard to improve all aspects of health. The aspects of health that are important to overall well-being are physical health, mental and emotional health, and social health.
Physical Health Physical health refers to how well your body functions. A healthy diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and proper medical and dental care are all important for physical health.
Mental and Emotional Health The state of being comfortable with yourself, with others, and with your surroundings is called mental health. Emotional health refers to how you react to events in your life. A healthy diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and proper medical and dental care are all important for physical health. Expressing emotions in a positive nondestructive way, Asks for help when needed, Optimistic, Satisfying Relationships, Share Feelings, Finding Solutions to emotional Problems—willingness to seek help
Social Health Social health refers to how well you get along with others. Building healthy relationships with family and friends is important for social health. Quality of your relationships with friends, family, and others you are in contact with Respects others Stays away from people who do not treat them well Have mutually loving and supportive people Good communication skills Expresses needs to others
A Continuum of Health Defining a Continuum A Health Continuum A continuum (kun TIN yoo um) is a gradual progression through many stages between one extreme and another. A Health Continuum One end of the continuum represents poor health (illness). The other end represents perfect, or ideal, health (wellness). Wellness is a state of high-level health. Movement Along the Continuum Many of the choices you make on a daily basis affect your position on the health continuum.
A Continuum of Health