Aylmerton Visit 2017 Here we go again!
KEY INFORMATION Dates: 9th 13th October 2017 Cost: £259 Purpose – To compare the physical geography of Cromer and the Coast with Ashdon To learn more about physical geography Kit List – Attached – No Mobile Phones / Calling home etc – Photos show who has changed clothes during the week – Disco Outfits! In addition £10 in £1 coins would be great! Please don’t buy specifically for the visit – Think about Secondary School – Coats! Walking Boots may be a good idea Lots of layers – October Visit! Leaving 9:00am Monday Morning – Children need a packed Lunch Returning 3:00pm Friday afternoon – Please be available to collect after 2pm Staffing – Mr Brown, Mrs Lunn, Mrs Allen +2 - + Staff from the Centre
Thanks to all the parents who got class 4 school extremely promptly this morning, we left by 8:50 and were on site by 11 o'clock. The children had a quiet morning followed by a trip to Happisburgh and Sea Palling where they visited the beach and had an ice cream. After tea we played rounders and then went for a walk in the woods and a camp fire. As I type they are having hot chocolate prior to bed time. Everyone ate well at dinner and there are lots of happy faces! Hoping for a quiet night!
After a restful sleep the children have visited Cromer today After a restful sleep the children have visited Cromer today. Everyone climbed the church tower and looked at the landscape before walking to West Runton and seeing the effects of erosion and deposition. We also visited Cromer museum and saw the bones of the prehistoric elephant. Tonight we played football founders and were impressed by the quality of refereeing. All the children have been a credit to their parents and the school.
Day 3 at Alymerton saw all the children undergoing pirate training Day 3 at Alymerton saw all the children undergoing pirate training. They spent the day bouldering, climbing hire wires and taking the boson's chair. This evening following the traditional fish, chips and ice cream on the beach, the children visited Sherringham for swimming. All children have been eating and sleeping well.
After an interrupted night's sleep (blame the faulty electronic doorbell)the children headed off to Blakeney Point for the ever popular visit. Seals were spotted this morning before we had lunch and then examined the shingle habitat before raking a mud walk. After a roast dinner, the children are preparing for the disco.
Accommodation http://www.pattesonlodge.org.uk/
Food and Dining