Sustainable Materials Management & Waste Tracking in ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager 8/8/16 Zoe Heller, USEPA
Waste & Climate Change Traditional greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting: waste management represents 1 to 5% of U.S. GHG emissions From a systems perspective: approximately 40% of U.S. GHG emissions are associated with the energy used to produce, process, transport, & dispose of the food we eat & the goods we use
Sustainable Materials Management Think beyond waste Sustainable materials management – the use and reuse of materials more productively over across their entire life cycle Sustainable materials management conserves resources, reduces waste, and slows climate change
Economic Value Recyclables in the trash = throwing $ away Recycling supports jobs Every 10,000 metric tons of recyclables generates 37 jobs, which equates to $1.1 million in wages and $330,000 in tax revenues
Value of Addressing Waste Reduce greenhouse gas emissions – waste prevention and recycling offers significant potential for preventing greenhouse gas emissions which contribute to climate change. Enhance sustainability - Waste, water, and energy are the core components of sustainability. Improving your organization’s sustainability can boost your corporate image, attract quality tenants to your properties, and positively engage employees. Conserve resources – Reuse and recycling conserves natural resources including trees, metals, and water. Save money – Increasing recycling can cut your disposal costs. Knowledge is power – By understanding the amount and types of wastes your organization produces, you’re better positioned to find ways to reduce hauling costs and negotiate for waste and recycling services that actually fit your needs.
Overview of Portfolio Manager
Accessible in a free, online secure platform Management Tool Assess whole building energy and water consumption and waste & materials management Track changes in energy, water, waste & materials, greenhouse gas emissions, and cost over time Track green power purchasing Share/report data with others Create custom reports Apply for ENERGY STAR certification Metrics Calculator More than 150 metrics available Energy consumption (source, site, weather normalized) Water consumption (indoor & outdoor) Waste & materials management Greenhouse gas emissions ENERGY STAR 1-to-100 score for energy efficiency (available for many building types) EPA’s ENERGY STAR measurement and tracking tool, Portfolio Manager, is a free, online, secure resource for benchmarking all types of properties. It enables you to track energy intensity, utility cost, greenhouse gas emissions, waste & material management, and monitor changes in your buildings over time. It is both a management tool and a metrics calculator. As a management tool, it can be used to assess whole building energy and water consumption, waste & materials management, track changes over time, track green power purchases, share and report data with others, create reports, or apply for ENERGY STAR Certification. As a metrics calculator, Portfolio Manager will help organize and inform your energy management strategy. Reports will easily generate energy and water consumption figures, waste & materials management figures, greenhouse gas emissions, and ENERGY STAR score. Any type of building can use the tool to generate an energy use intensity value – or energy use per square foot value annualized for the most recent 12 months of data input to the tool. Other popular metrics include weather normalized energy consumption values, greenhouse gas emissions metrics, and the ENERGY STAR 1-100 score. Access Portfolio Manager via the URL shown on the slide – . Accessible in a free, online secure platform
Added water tracking in 2006, in collaboration with EPA’s WaterSense Launched Portfolio Manager in 1999 to help organizations increase efficiency of energy use Built on the principle that the foundation of good management is good information Energy tracking and management was not widely practiced; no standardization Designed for the use of building owners and managers, not for reporting to EPA Added water tracking in 2006, in collaboration with EPA’s WaterSense Added waste tracking in 2016, in collaboration with EPA’s Office of Resource Conservation & Recovery
Over 45% of the U.S. commercial building market 450,000+ buildings 40 billion+ square feet
To Get Started Benchmarking in Portfolio Manager Helpful data to have on hand: Property information Energy and water bills Primary function Property-specific invoices from all purchased and on-site generated energy and water Name, address, ZIP/postal code Year built Property data Waste & materials data Gross floor area Quantity of material(s) recycled, disposed, donated, etc. Use details (ex. weekly operating hours, number of workers on the main shift, etc.) Hauling bills Info on the size of containers & frequency their emptied
Get Data In 3 ways to enter data for your property or portfolio: Manually Uploading spreadsheets Use a 3rd party to exchange data directly with Portfolio Manager via web services Web services enables service providers and utilities to exchange data directly with Portfolio Manager
Waste Tracking in Portfolio Manager
Waste Tracking The waste tracking feature is designed in a way that allows for flexibility and basic comparative analysis, recognizing that the type and quality of available waste and materials management data vary widely The tracking is organized by 4 “management options” – how building operators think about the bins/dumpsters in a building: Donated/Reused Recycled Composted Disposed { Landfilled/Incinerated/Waste-to-Energy/Don’t Know Within each management option, users can select from a broad list of material categories to identify what they’re tracking Volume to weight conversions for most materials
Material Types Appliances x Batteries Waste/Materials Disposed Donated/ Reused Recycled Composted Appliances x Batteries Beverage Containers (aluminum, glass, plastic) Building Materials - Carpet/Carpet Padding Building Materials -Concrete Building Materials - Mixed/Other X Building Materials - Steel Building Materials - Wood Cardboard/Corrugated Containers Compostable - Mixed/Other Electronics Fats/Oils/Grease Food/Food Scraps Furniture Glass Grass/Yard Trimmings Lamps/Light Bulbs Mixed Recyclables Office Supplies Pallets Paper - Books Paper - Copy Paper Paper - Mixed Plastics - Mixed Plastics - Wrap/Film Regulated Medical Waste Textiles/Clothing Trash Other
Waste “Meters” Regularly – Meters for materials that are picked up on an ongoing basis (e.g. weekly pickup of trash and recycling). There are two basic paths: Measured – Requires a weight or volume for each entry This can be marked as “estimated” if it is a weight that the user estimates on his/her own Container Size – Is based on the size of the container User enters a container size, and specifies the number of times it was emptied and the percent full Intermittently – Meters for infrequent or 1-time events (e.g. electronics donation event, or construction materials) Organized waste information in Portfolio Manager “Meters” Leverage functionality for energy and water, with which people are already familiar Although no physical “meter” at the property, this framework lets us collect: Information at the high (meter) level e.g. type of waste and unit of measure Information at the granular (meter entry) level e.g. monthly quantity or number of pickups You can also track waste or material according to whether it is picked up on a regular basis (like trash or recycling), or if the pick up is “intermittent” or one-time only like a donation of old office furniture.
Waste & Materials Tab
Waste Metrics Overview 26 Summary Metrics – include total tons and $ for each of the following: Total Waste (Disposed & Diverted) Also the tons and cost per square foot Also a Yes/No for any estimated values in waste/materials meters Diverted Materials Also diversion rate (%) Disposed Waste Recycled Materials Donated/Reused Materials Composted Materials Disposed Waste by Destination (n=4 destinations) 216 Individual Meter Type Metrics – For each of the 72 possible combinations of material and management method Total tons Total $ Estimated Value Yes/No
Reporting Features Reports designed for users to understand how a property/portfolio is performing Users will be able to generate several reports with waste data: Chart & Graph Reports – Report with Bar/Pie chart for Total Waste (Disposed & Diverted) and the total cost Standard Excel Reports – Pre-configured overview Excel reports Custom Excel Reports – Can select from all metrics in Portfolio Manager, including all waste metrics PDF Reports – Progress and Goals report will allow easy tracking of waste changes alongside energy and water Data Request functionality enables users to easily collect/submit data from/to others
Additional Resources Visit Extensive list of FAQs Online form to submit technical questions or comments Additional Portfolio Manager training resources available at: Step-by-step documents (PDF) Access to recorded trainings and short videos Information on upcoming trainings Register for regular webinars at: Visit NEED WEBSITE for tips and tools for managing and reducing waste
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