Oil and OPEC
Another name for oil is petroleum
Oil is a non-renewable resource = a natural resource that is not replaceable after it is removed
Why is oil such a valuable resource?
Energy use is increasing because: More people = More energy usage More appliances that use more energy Large industrial energy use “Bigger is better” and “more is better” philosophy Leisure activities use more energy
Monopoly = when one person/country/company controls a particular item or product and therefore controls its price
Oligopoly = when a small group of people/companies/countries controls a particular item or product and therefore controls its price.
World oil use is increasing faster than the U. S World oil use is increasing faster than the U.S.’ because they are catching up technologically (becoming more modern)
OPEC = Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 12 countries from around the world Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela
What region of the world are most OPEC countries located in?
Oil exporting countries organized to produce an oligopoly: Increasing the price of oil when it wants by decreasing the oil supply
Why isn’t the U.S. a member of OPEC? Even though the U.S. has oil, we are not members of OPEC Why isn’t the U.S. a member of OPEC?
Much of our oil is used domestically or is saved as a reserve supply in case OPEC lowers the world’s supply of oil.
Where does the US get most of its oil? Not the Middle East! Canada Mexico Saudi Arabia Venezuela Nigeria Angola Iraq Algeria United Kingdom Brazil Source: http://www.consumerenergyreport.com/research/crude-oil/where-the-us-gets-its-oil-from/
What percentage of our oil is imported from the Middle East? What percentage of our oil comes from Canada and Mexico?