Anti-Bullying Week 2016
This week is Anti-Bullying Week
What does ‘bullying’ actually mean?
Bullying is the REPEATED use of POWER by one or more people to INTENTIONALLY harm, hurt or affect the RIGHTS of someone else.
Close your eyes and imagine a bully. What does the bully look like?
Now concentrate on what the bully might do?
Types of Bullying: Physical: kicking, hitting, pushing, shoving Verbal: saying mean and nasty things Cyber Bullying: using technology such as mobile phones, Xbox, PlayStation, to spread rumours, say nasty things, exclude, threaten Social Bullying: spreading rumours, mimicking, encouraging others to be mean, leaving people out
How might the VICTIM feel inside?
How might the BULLY feel inside?
“How we can use our strength together to end bullying?”
Someone being laughed at Someone being left out Someone being laughed at Someone being hit, kicked or hurt another way
Someone being called hurtful names Someone being teased or made fun of Someone being hurt online
Include them in your game Be kind to them Ask if they’re ok Include them in your game Help them
A Teacher A friend My Mum or Dad An Adult in School The head teacher My Key Worker An Adult in School A Classroom Assistant The head teacher
Remember- Bullying is always wrong!