Central Banks and Financial Services Authority (FSA)
Definition of central bank Central bank and FSA Definition of central bank Task and fungtion, and product of central bank Definition of FSA Task and fungtion of FSA FSA authority
Definition of central bank According to the Act no. 23 th. 1999, the Bank Indonesia, the central bank is an independent state institution in the sense of free from government interference ataupihak except matters explicitly prescribed in the legislation.
Fungsi dan tugas bank sentral Set a and implementing monetary policy Organize and maintain smooth operation of payment systems Regulate and supervising banks
Produk bank sentral Usaha aktif Usaha pasif Mendiskontokan surat wasel dan surat dagang Membeli dan menjual wasel, kertas, obligasi Memberikan kredit keepada perbankan Membeli dan menjual logam mulia Usaha pasif Simpanan dalam rekening koran bank-bank Jasa-jasa
FSA Financial Services authority is a UU number 21 of 2011 which functions organized system of regulation and supervision is integrated to the overall activities in the financial services sector
Regulation and supervision of financial services activity in the banking sector Regulation and supervision of financial services activity in the capital markets sector Regulation and supervision of financial services activity in the insurance sector, pension funds, financial institutions, and other financial institutions. Tugas OJK
FSA Authority establishes the regulations implementing the Act set of legislation in the financial services sector establish rules and decisions FSA establish rules concerning supervision in the financial services sector establish policies regarding the implementation of the tasks FSA establish rules concerning procedures for establishing a written order of the Institute of Financial Services and certain parties establishing the statutory manager at the Institute for Financial Services
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