Chris Andrews Product Manager 3D and ArcGIS Earth 3D in ArcGIS Pro Chris Andrews Product Manager 3D and ArcGIS Earth Nathan Shephard Lead Product Engineer Map Exploration Steve Heidelberg Product Engineer Animation Esri Corporate Template-Dark v3.3 16:9 version – January 21, 2016 For more templates, sample files, and icons, see To add footer text in Windows On the Home tab, under Insert, click Text, and then click Header and Footer. Click the Slide tab, select the Footer check box, and then type the footer text that you want. Click either Apply or Apply to All. To add footer text on a Mac On the View menu, select Header and Footer. Select the Footer check box and then type the footer text that you want. If footers don't appear on the slides If footers don't appear on title slides, in the Header and Footer dialog box make sure the Don't show on title slide check box is not selected. If the footers are missing from other slides, the placeholders for these items might have been removed from specific slide layouts or the slide master.
Agenda Overview of 3D at Esri 3D in ArcGIS Pro Using Sliders with 3D Intro to Animation with Pro
3D @ Esri
Esri is the leader in Enterprise Geospatial 3D Desktop Web Device Combine 2D and 3D in the WebGIS architecture Use Web Scenes as building blocks for 3D apps New 3D layers (data types) Powered by services, accessible across clients Create higher value visualizations, analyses, and information products combining 2D and 3D At FedGIS and EPC, I started working with the positioning that Esri is the only organization that is focused on providing enterprise 2D and 3D capability across the GIS clients and experiences that our customers need. We’re not a web front end. We’re not a data server. We’re the only partner for organizations who need to be able to create, manage, share, and consume 2D and 3D content in GIS experiences. That doesn’t mean that we can do everything. We’re going to be increasingly pushed to consume new layer types and we’ll also need better ways to tie into adjacent experiences, such as game engines and AR/VR devices, as the need for consumer-level interaction with complex 3D content becomes more available. Server Online Content and Services
3D Across the ArcGIS Product Family ArcGIS Earth – Easy-to-use 3D data exploration for Enterprise Users ArcGIS Runtime – Developer tools for 2D and 3D custom solutions Web AppBuilder & JS API – Configurable and customizable web apps ArcGIS Pro - Powerful 2D/3D desktop authoring and data management 3D Analyst - Rich analysis for advanced 3D workflows CityEngine - Advanced editing tool for urban designers ArcGIS Enterprise - Scalable 2D/3D enterprise content distribution and geoprocessing ArcGIS Online - Content and services for sharing ideas in 2D and 3D Apps, APIs, SDKs (customized end user experiences) Professional Desktop Tools (geoprocessing, automation, workflow) As 3D expands across the product line, we are working hard at developing a clearly differentiated story so that you can tell which product or API is most useful where. Server and Online (automation, geoprocessing)
3D in ArcGIS Pro
Scenes are 3D maps Global Scene (3D) Map (2D) Local Scene (3D) Local and global scenes Convert map to a scene Add 3D symbology to 2D data Link maps and scenes Local Scene (3D)
“Tilting the map” – Navigating around scenes Can’t be orbited (It’s flat!) Orbited Pan, Zoom, and Orbit (Orbit = “Tilt the Map”) Use bookmarks Explore mode Previous/Next extent Edit-mode Keyboard navigation WASD, arrows Allow navigation underground Default Underground vs. always above ground Keyboard Bookmarks
Scenes have elevation Enable underground nav Multiple ground surfaces Add local file elevation surfaces Add non-ground elevation surfaces Add multiple elevation surfaces Shade surfaces Use surfaces in GP analysis Esri World Elevation Service Bathy service Custom elevation data as ground Custom elevation data as non-ground Add non-ground surfaces
Scenes can have many types of data 3D layers Multipatch feature layers 3D point, line, polygon feature layers Extruded 2D feature layers Scene layers (3D Point, 3D Object, Integrated Mesh) 2D layers CSV/TXT 2D point, line, polygon feature layers imagery KML layers 2D/3D NetworkLinks Overlays … and much more 2D and 3D feature layers including extruded shapes and multipatches Scene layers Imagery Elevation KML Point clouds
Symbols in 3D Preset layers Apply 3D models, bilboarded symbols to points 3D models can be textured Extrude 3D points, polygons, and lines Use procedural rule packages (RPK) on polygons Draped symbols Extruded symbols Presets 3D models Rule packages Bilboarded shapes Labeling
Environment and effects Atmosphere Sun Moon Daylighting Shadows Time Illumination and shadows Moon and Sun
Web AppBuilder JS API Custom apps Story Maps More ways to use scenes Web AppBuilder JS API Custom apps Sharing as web scenes Layouts Animation Data analysis Story Maps
Overview of working with 3D in ArcGIS Pro Nathan Shephard 10
Using Sliders with 3D
Time and Range sliders Visual filtering of data by interactive control Enabled on data with appropriate attributes Time and Range are separate capabilities Time is integrated into Web Maps Time and Range will be integrated into Web Maps and Web Scenes TIP: Can be used in Animations!
Time awareness Temporal information in an attribute Feature layers, NetCDF, Mosaic data sets Configure current time, time zone Display partial or entire range Playback Time and range
Range awareness Range information in attributes Integer and float fields Use multiple fields simultaneously Configure range queries Display partial or entire range Playback Time and range
Using the time and range sliders in ArcGIS Pro Nathan Shephard
Intro to Animation with Pro 15
Animation for static and dynamic story telling
TIP: How to find the Animation ribbon Go to the View Ribbon Click on Add on the Animation Tab Don’t click Remove unless you want to delete your current animation keyframes
Animation in ArcGIS Pro Steve Heidelberg 20
Future directions Environment and effects Animation Analysis Water Material handling Gallery of realistic symbols (people, rocks, cars) Animation Editing animation curve Look-at control for waypoints Multiple animation tracks Analysis Dynamic LOS tools More 3D editing Point cloud streaming … and much, much more Custom symbols Interactive camera curves Text Moving symbols More data types including point clouds …
Thank you @_ChrisJAndrews @NathanCShephard @SteveHeidelberg The information contained in this work is the exclusive property of Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (Esri), and any respective copyright owners. This work is protected under United States copyright law and other international copyright treaties and conventions. Esri grants the recipient of the Esri information contained within the right to freely reproduce, redistribute, rebroadcast, and/or retransmit this information for personal, noncommercial purposes, including teaching, classroom use, scholarship, and/or research, subject to the fair use rights enumerated in sections 107 and 108 of the Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code). All copies, whether in whole or in part, shall include the appropriate Esri copyright notice. Esri, ArcGIS and the Esri logo are registered trademarks of Esri.