Membership in self-regulated authorities: Company’s profile Membership in self-regulated authorities: GCE Nord focuses on industrial safety expertise, surveys and diagnostics of buildings/constructions/process equipment at hazardous production facilities. GCE Nord is a member of the international company GCE Group that allows using all international capabilities GCE Nord sustainably develop the company’s potential by constant improvement of the management system and modern technologies and equipment implementation Quality Policy if the company’s priority Be sure that cooperation with GCE Nord is effective and pleasant Interregional Association of Design Engineers and Experts Interregional Association of Industrial Safety Expert Companies"Expertprombezopasnost“ Noncommercial Partnership "Standard-Izyskaniya“ Design Engineers Association
Our advantages member of the international consulting group certified as per ISO 9001 certified by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping own electrical laboratory certified to conduct works with the voltage up to 110 kV own non-destructive testing laboratory Licensed by Federal Security Service we work throughout Russian Federation more than 250 000 engineering devices and 12 000 buildings surveyed More than 10 years of successful work
Our services Surveys and diagnostics of buildings/constructions/process equipment at hazardous production facilities Electrical laboratory certified to conduct works with the voltage up to 110 kV: Technical audit of energy facilities Analysis of technical conditions, certification of equipment (including electrical equipment) Industrial safety expertise of electrical equipment Technical diagnostics, technical certificates and monitoring of buildings and facilities Electrical equipment testing (up to 20kV) Designing of civil and process buildings and facilities Vibro-diagnostics of electrical equipment Thermal control of electrical equipment Acceptance control of equipment Technical certification of electrical equipment Estimation of the remaining lifetime and recommendations on the equipment lifetime enhancement Development and implementation of the software that analyses technical conditions of the pipelines
Our laboratory GCE NORD owns the non-destructive testing laboratory to conduct diagnostics of equipment without stopping the operational process. Primary methods of non-destructive control: Ultrasonic method (ultrasonic inspection and ultrasonic thickness measurement); Acoustic-emission method; Magnetic method; Penetrating substances method (capillary and leak detection); Eddy current detection method; Visual inspections and measurements; Vibration method; Electrical method; Heat method; X-ray graphical method;
Surveys and diagnostics GCE NORD provides surveys of technical conditions and certification services: Buildings and facilities Process facilities Administrative buildings Buildings located at hazardous production faculties Residential buildings Equipment Block valves Compressors High-pressure tanks Pumps Underground/aboveground pipelines (d=57-1420mm) Oil and gas mains Branch pipes Municipal gas lines Process pipelines Steam and hot water lines Lifting and carrying equipment Hoisting cranes Mine trucks Slag carriers Excavators Hoists
Our clients Oil and gas: Power: Metals and mining: Others:
Contacts GCE Group Headquarters: 6 Bukharestskaya street, St.Petersburg, Russia, 192102 Tel.: +7 (812) 334-5981, 334-5982, 334-5983 E-mail: nord@gce.ru www.gce.ru GCE Group offices: Office 400B/2, 27 Tashenova street, Astana, Kazakhstan, 010002 Moscow, GCE Group Tel.: +7 7172 24-8787 Munich, GCE Consultants GmbH Office 410, bld. 11, 8-th Tekstilshikov street , Moscow, Russia, 109129 E-mail: office.astana@groupgce.com Munich, Germany Stahltuberring 7a Tel.: +7 (499) 176-8772 D – 81829 München Fax : +7 (499) 176-9029 Curitiba, GCE do Brasil Ltda. Tel.: +49 (0) 89/890-8332-50 E-mail: msk@gce.ru Curitiba, Brazil Fax : +49 (0) 89/890-8332-95 www.gce.ru Rua da Paz, 25 E-mail: contact@gce-europe.com Centro – 80060-160 Astana, GCE-Energy LLP Curitiba – Parana, Brasil Astana, Kazakhstan Tel.: +55 41 3324-0202 Barcelona, GCE Group Spain S.A. Office 400B/1, 27 Tashenova street, Astana, Kazakhstan, 010002 Факс: +55 41 3324-0208 Barcelona, Spain E-mail: contato@gcedobrasil.com.br Av. Diagonal 534 Tel.: +7 7172 37-4316, +7 7172 24-8787 www.gcedobrasil.com.br 08006 Barcelona, España E-mail: office.kz@groupgce.com Тел.: +34 93 545-4028 www.groupgce.com Gurgaon ,GCE Consultants India Pvt. Ltd Fax : +34 93 200-4322 Gurgaon, 3rd Floor, Plot No 56, Sector 44 E-mail: office.spain@gce-europe.com Astana, Centre of Energy Efficiency Expertise LLP Haryana - 122001. Tel.: +91 124 404 9634 E-mail: office.india@groupgce.com