Khabib Mirzoev, Barot Gadoev


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Presentation transcript:

Khabib Mirzoev, Barot Gadoev Research based teaching: Universities, Entrepreneurship and the Knowledge Triangle HERE Study Visit: University of Milan Khabib Mirzoev, Barot Gadoev HEREs Kulyab State University, Qurgantube State University 30 June 2017, 01 July 2017

University of Milan A 90 year old Great multidisciplinary University High quality teaching and research in a broad spectrum of fields The only Italian University among the 21 members of LERU (League of European Research Universities - LERU)

Academic and Research Facilities Key figures in 2017 8 Faculties and 2 Schools 33 Research Departments Government funds are distributed among universities mostly on the basis of their research output. Research is thus a key, defining component of our mission and so is, of course, teaching.  

Research Results   Scientific publications (more than 24,000 in the last three years alone), that have allowed us to obtain the top positions in the most authoritative international rankings: 1st place in Italy,7th in Europe (The Leiden Ranking – Universiteit Leiden) 1st place in Italy, between 35 th and 56 th in Europe, between 101st and 150 th in the world (Academic Ranking of World Universities – Shanghai Jiao Tong University) 1 st place in Italy, 16 th in Europe, 74 th in the world (Council of Taiwan) The University of Milan is the only Italian university among the 21 members of LERU The University of Milan is one of the major universities in Italy, both for the size of its teaching staff and its consolidated standing in the field of research.

Actions to strengthen the link to research Students are invited to research seminars held by internationally recognizes experts from Italy and from abroad; Students spend time in research labs at the University of Milan, where they can experience true research life; The link to research will be further strengthened with: - i. educational technology tools (blended learning, flipped classroom, virtual labs, etc.) - ii. a reinforced network of research laboratories for summer internships in Italy and abroad.    

Excellent education in research-rich universities Develop strategies that enhance the synergies between research and student education; Students must be considered as potential future researchers and partners, not just as objects in the teaching process; Not all students will become academic researchers , but all benefit from engaging in research, which develops a wide range of skills and attributes needed for the workplace and for life, including evidence-based thinking, problem solving and ethical awareness; Teachers should address students’ independent thinking, encourage their own research, and foster their analytical, critical, creative and social skills. League of European Research Universities  

Combining research with academia The first experience with teaching already during their early career by helping in didactical courses; Having your own undergraduate students to teach in the lab.  

How teaching can be useful for a PhD student To translate your research into ‘basic’ comprehension, makes you think in a different perspective; Helpful in getting used to public presentations.

The International Medical School IMS is truly international; The programmes are taught exclusively in English; In 2016-2017 they had 33 EU students. 

IMS focus is on research The IMS curriculum combines basic science and clinical activities within a six-year program; The main objective is to train excellent clinicians and researchers, capable of actively contributing to the improvement of human health; Research focus, through the early experience in research laboratories, is a key feature of IMS.   Motto: “From bench – to bedside” and vice versa.

Wiezman Institute of Science Science for the benefit of Humanity  250 research Groups 350 MS students 750 PhD students 350 Post docs 47% of the students are women 12 % of the students are international 70 % of the post docs are international  

The dual role of professors as researchers and teachers How can research activity be useful for teaching activity? How can teaching activity be useful for research activity? How can a Research-Rich University provide the best support for professors in their dual activity?

The dual role of professors as researchers and teachers How many different types of activities do a professor in his/her daily routine? Teaching Exams Meetings - Congresses Dissemination activities Project writing Manuscript writing Department and faculty duties Lab meetings Administrative issues – Budget!!! Experiments!!!  

The dual role of professors as researchers and teachers Need for a substantial and constant help and support from different offices and structures of the institution Research: Support from Grant/research offices Support from Audit Office Support for dissemination activities Support in the training of PhD students/post docs (soft skills, transferable skills) Availability of state-of-art facilities needed for high-quality research activity (Unitech).

The dual role of professors as researchers and teachers Issues that could be improved in our teaching activity: We must aim to create engaging learning environments in which students are participants rather than passive note takers or followers of ‘cookbooks’ laboratory experiments. Students learn better when they participate in and reflect on their own learning process; We need to shift our perspective form “What did I teach?” to “What did my students learn?”  

Partnership with industry for research and teaching Global Research & Development Bracco 90 years in the name of innovation: 1927 – 2017. It’s a pharmacy company. Collaboration: Government Agencies – Academica – Private Organisations – Industry Collaboration between Bracco and Universities Exchange of ideas and expertises focusing on mutual needs To create value for the company and the communities Research contracts Exchange of people Scientific networks Students have the chance to make experience in industrial laboratories, before or immediately after their graduation. Professionals can share their expertise and product – oriented knowledge by teaching in University.

Partnership with industry for research and teaching Scientific networks  20 meetings organized in 10 years Students and external experts are invited Scientific Park Bioindustry Park

Partnership with industry for research and teaching Role of Industry in the Degree Programmes  Each degree programme defined in accordance with precise national educational university programmes; Programmes are developed jointly with enterprises.  

Triangle Knowledge Education – Research – Innovation Bologna Process University Business Cooperation Collaboration with social partners is necessary and required

Conclusion Research based teaching, collaborations of universities with entrepreneurs and industry, development of programmes with entrepreneurs, engaging of professionals from industry, public and private companies are the needs and requirements of modern time. To learn and use of the best practices of the EU Universities, especially the experience of the University of Milan is very useful for our HEIs to promote the reforming process and to join the Bologna Process and EHEA .

Thank you for your attendance and for your attention!