Two sides of perspectives: Competencies and Education for Cataloging and Metadata Professionals Patrick Harrington Myung-Ja (MJ) K. Han
As a new graduate
What have I learned from the iSchool High-level metadata concepts How metadata standards developed Interaction between metadata and other aspects of librarianship Developing metadata schema for specific applications Metadata in non-library settings
What have I learned from the Work Institutional factors that influence metadata practices Programming and batch processing techniques Documentation and workflow creation Conducting original research
Required Qualifications in Job Descriptions Knowledge of metadata standards Understanding of markup/programming technologies Both cataloging practice and other metadata topics Soft skills (collaboration, attention to detail, self-starter, etc.)
Competencies gained in iSchool Competencies gained as a GA Principles of identity management & authority control Library services platforms/library management systems Cooperative bibliographic databases Application of conceptual frameworks, standards, and principles within a bibliographic system Integration, mapping, and transformation of metadata within a bibliographic system Historical context for current metadata principles Principles behind controlled vocabularies Data standardization (content standards, structure standards, encoding) Methods and approaches for metadata creation, editing, and analysis Conceptual models for library data Indexing and database structure How cataloging fits within the broader library and cultural heritage context (“Big Picture” Knowledge) A/V-specific metadata standards and practices Finding and encoding technical metadata
As a Practicing Metadata Librarian
Skills I have acquired over the years…. 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2017 MARC AACR2 Voyager OCLC Connexion Dublin Core TEI PREMIS XML OAI-PMH DMS More DMS Metadata Harvesting Metadata Batch Procecssing XSD Grant writing Other metadata standards RDA MarcEdit Batch processing tools Metadata Schema creation Metadata Applications Develop batch processing tools Metadata Schema creation Simple programming A/V metadata Linked Open Data/Semantic web ETD metadata RDF JSON-LD Research Data
Cataloging and Metadata Librarianships Resource description Consultations Data management Advocating metadata and cataloging works Training ….
Soft Skills: Engage with Changes Communication Initiatives/Flexibility Willingness to learn new things Work in a team Engage with Changes