Alltagsleben Treffpunkt Deutsch Sixth Edition Kapitel 4 Alltagsleben Treffpunkt Deutsch Sixth Edition
Imperative The imperative form of the verb in German: Expresses commands Makes requests Gives advice There are 3 imperative forms in German: Sie du ihr wir? Deutsch im Blick:
Imperative If using the verb kommen, the 4 imperative forms would be: kommen Sie! komm! kommt! kommen wir Note: all imperative forms end with an exclamation mark! Come!
Sie-imperative The Sie-imperative: imperative form of verb + Sie Kommen Sie Gehen Sie! With separable-prefix verbs: i.e. ausgehen Gehen Sie aus! The verb sein is irregular: Seien Sie ruhig!
Ihr-imperative The ihr-imperative is the ihr conjugation form of the verb without the pronoun (unlike the Sie-imperative which requires the pronoun) Kommt schnell! Esst euer Abendessen! Seid ruhig! With separable-prefix verbs: mitbringen Bringt kalte Getränke mit!
Du-Imperative The du-imperative is simply the stem of the verb kommen komm! machen mach! trinken trink! verbs with e i or e ie stem-changes in 2nd/3rd person use the stem-change for the du-imperative lesen lies! sprechen sprich! Verbs with a ä or au äu stem changes in 2nd/3rd person DROP the umlaut for the du-imperative laufen lauf! lassen lass! verbs with stems ending in –d/-t add an –e finden finde! The verb sein sei is irregular in the du-imperative
Imperative Versuchen wir es! Let’s try Let’s read this. (ihr) Let’s read this (du) Run Lola, run! Always brush your teeth after dinner. Write down what I tell you Download the Powerpoint presentation Do not copy. Do not use the help of a German native speaker Please change ( your clothes) before you to go the theater. Comb your hair before you come to class. Please be quiet! The verb sein sei is irregular in the du-imperative