What motivated reformers to break away from the Church? Bell Ringer What motivated reformers to break away from the Church?
Michelangelo Bounaroti Niccolo Machiavelli William Shakespeare Word Bank Leonardo Da Vinci Michelangelo Bounaroti Niccolo Machiavelli William Shakespeare Johannes Gutenberg Martin Luther John Calvin Henry VIII Humanism Perspective Patron Indulgences 95 Theses Predestination Annul Ghetto Printing press
The Scientific Revolution Essential Question: How did the Scientific Revolution challenge the established ideologies and institutions of the Middle Ages?
Science in the Middle Ages -natural philosophers accepted the ideas of the Greeks and Romans without questioning
Science in the Middle Ages -natural philosophers accepted the ideas of the Greeks and Romans without questioning -Ptolemy, a Roman astronomer, argued for a geocentric (earth centered) model of the universe *Renaissance thinkers learned to read these ancient works and came to different conclusions
Nicolaus Copernicus (1543 – On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres) -argued for a heliocentric (sun- centered) model of the universe.
Nicolaus Copernicus (1543 – On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres) -argued for a heliocentric (sun- centered) model of the universe. Johannes Kepler -observed an oval shaped orbit of planets called an ellipse
Galileo -built a telescope capable of observing the solar system -mountains on the moon -moons orbiting Jupiter
Galileo -built a telescope capable of observing the solar system -mountains on the moon -moons orbiting Jupiter - “heavenly substance” composed of material substance, not orbs of light -threatened the Church’s view of that the heavens were fixed (unmoving) -accused of heresy by the Inquisition, forced to recant **Nevertheless… it does move.
Isaac Newton –Universal Law of Gravitation. -using mathematics proved Isaac Newton –Universal Law of Gravitation -using mathematics proved that all objects were drawn to each other by a force called gravity
Many philosophers believed that science should not rely on just the works of ancient thinkers
Many philosophers believed that science should not rely on just the works of ancient thinkers Rene Descartes -emphasized the power of human reasoning ** “I think, therefore I am” Francis Bacon -developed the scientific method
Andreas Vesalius -dissected human corpses to gain a more accurate understanding of the human anatomy *earlier sketches of the human body based on the anatomy of animals
How did the Scientific Revolution challenge the established ideologies and institutions of the Middle Ages?
Review This person argued for the heliocentric model of the universe.
Review This person faced the inquisition due to his observations made with a telescope.
Review This person dissected human corpses in order to gain an accurate understanding of anatomy.
Review This model of the universe argued that the earth was in the center with the sun, stars, and planets revolving around it.