Overview of CDMI (Cloud Data Management Interface) (CDMI_SNIA_Architecture_v1.0.1 : 4~7장) 2011.11.09 발표자 : 박용훈
Contents Conventions Overview of Cloud Storage Common Operations Data Storage as a Service Data Management for Cloud Storage Reference Model for Cloud Storage Interfaces Object Model for CDMI CDMI Metadata Object ID CDMI Object ID Format Security Common Operations Interface Standard
RESTful protocol CDMI is an HTTP/RESTful protocol Noelios Consulting 이라는 회사에서 만든 Java 기반 REST 구현체
Interface format
Example of Interface Format
What is Cloud Storage? The cloud represents any to any network connectivity in an abstract way Cloud storage is simply the delivery of virtualized storage on demand Data storage as a Service
Data Storage as a Service An important part of any Daas offering is the support of legacy clients ISCSI for block, WebDAV for file Container A Useful abstraction for storage space A group of the data A point of control for applying data services
Data Storage as a Service Each data object is created, retrieved, updated, and deleted as a separated resource (CRUD) Another type of DaaS offering is one of simple table space storage, allowing for horizontal scaling of database operations that certain applications need. Database/Table Client
Data Management SNIA Storage Industry Resource Domain Model(SIRDM) 사용 User Metadata 사용자 인증 권한 정보 Storage System Metadata Size, Access time, Owner, ACL 등의 저장소 정보 Data System Metadata Encryption, Retention 등의 데이터 보호관련 정보
Cloud Stroage Reference Model
Object Model for CDMI
CDMI Metadata HTTP metadata User metadata Data system metadata Storage system metadata
Object ID Every object stored with a CDMI-compliant system shall have a globally unique object identifier (ID) assigned at creation time CDMI Ojbect ID Format Reverved : 0 Enterprise Number : SNMP enterprise number www.iana.org/assignments/enterprise-numbers Length : full length of objects ID CRC : 에러 검출 코드
Security Transport security User and entity authentication Authorization and access controls Data integrity Data and media sanitization Data retention Protections against malware Data at-rest encryption Security capabilities
Common Operations Discovering the capabilities of a cloud storage provider Creating a new container Creating a new data object Listing the contents of a container Reading the contents of a data object Delete a data object
Discovering the capabilities
Creating a new container
Creating a new data object
Listing the contents of a container
Reading the contents of a data object
Delete a data object
Interface Standard HTTP status codes
Interface Standard Types of Resources in the Model