The BECC Year Group Presentations


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Presentation transcript:

The BECC Year Group Presentations 2017 - 2018

Aims of this presentation: To share some of the highlights from last year. To introduce all members of the Key Stage 1 team. To outline the rules and routines for Year 2. To give you an understanding of assessment and expectations of Year 2. To ensure you know how to communicate effectively with the school.

Last Year Whole school events included; Halloween, Loy Krathong, Christmas Show, Chinese New Year, Valentines Day, Wai Kru Day, Cross Country Run, Bring and Buy Sale, Book Fairs and Sports Day. We held our first ever residential trip for the Year 3 to 6 students. We had our first interschool football match. We had visitors from a variety of professions including discussing environmental impacts and looking at ways which our school can help. We ran Kidz Time every Wednesday in order to raise money for a climbing frame. Introduced a new style of hats and bags for the students. Purchased a new minibus. Purchased 6 new computers and a further 4 during the summer. New website. Added relevant policies to the school website. Parent Surveys Teacher Surveys Students Surveys

Key Stage 1 Team As a small school, each member of staff knows everyone but we don’t always directly have contact. This is our team for the Key Stage 1 year groups this year. Year 1 Ms. Adrianne Ms. Joy Year 2 Ms. Deb Ms. Lek

School Year Term 1 September to December Term 2 January to April April to July School Year consists of 180 teaching days split over the 3 terms.

A typical day in Year 2….. 8.15 – 8.45 The children read individually, in groups and read to the class teachers. 8.45 – 9 The children participate in a phonics lesson. A vital lesson to develop reading and writing strategies. 9 – 10 English (Hamilton Trust) 10 – 10.15 Play Time (healthy snacks are always available) 10.15 – 11.15 Maths 11.15 – 12 Thai 12 – 1 Lunch Time 1 – 2 Science, History, Geography, DT, Art, PE, ICT, Music or PSHCE. 2.15 – 3 Science, History, Geography, DT, Art, PE, ICT, Music or PSHCE. 3.15 – 4 After School Activities, optional activities such as Muay Thai, Cooking, Breakdancing, Hip Hop, Art, Football and much more Collection must be between 3pm and 4pm

Subject Weighting English – 5 hours Maths – 5 hours Thai – 5 hours Science – 1 – 2 hours ICT, Geography, History, DT, ART, PSHCE and Music – 1 hour

Our Curriculum In our school we follow a two year rolling plan using plans from Hamilton Trust and Twinkl. This year will be the 3rd year of using the new National Curriculum of England in our school. All classes from Reception to Year 6 use the same schemes of work however all teachers adapt them to the individuals in their class to ensure that each child is appropriately challenged.

Our Policies The school has policies for all aspects of school life. In order to promote communication within the school community, all relevant policies have been added and are available for download from the school website;

Communication School; When registering for the school, your email is added to the school mailing list. A newsletter is sent out every Wednesday during term time. The newsletter includes important dates and upcoming events as well as celebrating achievements and events in school by groups and individuals. Important information will be emailed directly to parents individually or in groups from the school office. The school will never share your contact details without permission. Class Teacher; The Class Teacher will email every Friday with the topics for the upcoming week. Parent Consultations. Termly Reports. If for any reason you do not receive any of these emails, please contact the school office.

Assessment in Key Stage 1 Daily; Observations, marking of work and verbal feedback. All links into the plans that are created. Half Termly; Phonics Assessments, Reading Stage, Writing and non-core subject. Termly; Maths, English, personal and social and all non-core subjects with information provided to parents in report form. At the end of Year 2 the students will take part in SAT assessments which are standardised assessment tests from England. This will give the school data to compare its performance to schools in England.

Overview of Work in Year 2 During the school year your child will reach certain goals. The following are the goals for Maths; • Compare and order numbers up to 100 using > < and =, and say 10 more/less than any number to 100 • Read and write all numbers to 100 in digits and words • Recall and use +/- facts to 20 • Derive and use related facts to 100 • Count in multiples of 2, 3, 5 and 10 from any number up to 100 • Recall and use multiplication and division facts for 2, 5 and 10 tables to solve x and ÷ equations • Recognise place value of any 2-digit number • Add and subtract: 2-digit and 1-digit numbers (43+6) 2-digit and 10s numbers (45-20) Two 2-digit numbers (13+34) Three 1- digit numbers (4+5+7) • Recognise and use inverse (14+5=19, so 19- 5=14, 3x5=15, so 15 ÷ 3=5) • Recognise, find, name and write 1/3; 1/4; 2/4; ¾ • Recognise equivalence of simple fractions (2/4 = ½) • Use symbols for £ and p and add/subtract amounts of money • Know and use standard measures, e.g. cm and g • Tell time to five minutes, including quarter past/to • Describe properties of 2D shape including the number of sides and lines of symmetry

End of year targets for English; Reading • Read a range of texts with fluency and expression • Discuss and express views about fiction, nonfiction and poetry • Continue to build up a repertoire of poems learnt by heart • Comment on plot, setting and characters in familiar and unfamiliar stories • Re-tell familiar stories • Ask and answer simple questions, and begin to make inferences and predictions • Comment on the structure of the text • Use commas, question marks and exclamation marks to vary expression • Recognise inverted commas (speech marks) and contractions (can’t, don’t) • Identify past and present tense • Use content and index to locate information • Be secure at Phase 6 Phonics • Read common exception words

Speaking and Listening • Talk about experiences giving detail and using descriptive language • Think of a range of questions to ask a visitor • Recognise the need to take equal turns in a group situation and not interrupt others • Listen and build on what a previous speaker has said Spelling •Use phonics to aid spelling • Spell common exception words •Add suffixes to spell longer words including – ment, –ness, –ful, –less, –ly

Writing • Write different kinds of sentence: statement, question, exclamation and command • Use expanded noun phrases to add description and specification (for example the blue butterfly) • Write using subordination (when, if, that, because) and co-ordination (and, but, or) • Correct and consistent use of present tense and past tense • Correct and consistent use of a wider range of punctuation: capital letters, full stops, questions marks, exclamation marks and commas in a list • Be able to use an apostrophe for omission of letters (wasn’t) • Write under headings • Handwriting to be joined

Homework After the surveys last year the teachers and management have decided to implement a no homework policy!! Don’t panic!! Studies have shown that homework has no effect on academic performance and is mainly used as a rote learning tool. So what to do instead of homework; Play, swim, bike, run, picnic, play on the beach, read a book, play a game, watch a movie with your child/ren. These activities have all been proven to increase children’s academic ability and the ability to process more information. Children still have access to Reading Eggs and Mathletics and reading is the best activity to do before bed time. Use that time to help your child progress.

Whole School Behaviour We believe in reinforcing positive behaviour. Through all classrooms we use a house point system alongside Golden Time. Each child is put into a team at the start of the year. This will be the same team as any siblings. They collect house points throughout the week by doing kind or helpful tasks or by working hard or to recognise an achievement or progress. These are recorded on Dojo. This website information and the login details will be given to you in the first few days of school. You can also contribute to the assessment process and comment on your child’s progress. The children in each class decide the exact Golden Rules for their class and agree to keep them. Children that keep the Golden Rules all week receive 30 minutes of Golden Time on a Friday afternoon where they get to choose a fun activity.

Uniform Expectations Our school believes in having a relaxed setting but as a community decided to introduce a uniform 6 years ago. It was decided for several reasons including promoting togetherness and maintaining a working atmosphere. All children from Early Years to Year 6 must wear the school uniform. If for any reason your child cannot wear a uniform on any given day let the office know. There is a sports kit that can also be worn on any day of the week as well as the sports days. Trainers should be worn on days where the children have sports. Hats must be worn when the children are outside at all times.

Important Days for Year 2 Swimming is on Wednesdays PE is on Thursdays Please bring book folder, hat and water bottle to school every day.

Thank you for listening to the presentation. Any questions?