LOCATION (Use cardinal directions to describe the relative location) p North of Guatemala West of Cuba South of the U.S. East of the Pacific
CLIMATE List type (red print in atlas) (circle predominate climate) Color each climate on the map p.104, 115 Tropical Dry Highland
NATURAL RESOURCES List the 3 most abundant p.106 Silver oil zinc
POPULATION DISTRIBUTION Describe where it is the most densely populated Central Mexico near Mexico City and scattered along the coast
Religion/Language/Literacy Rate p42,107,39 Christianity Spanish 90% or more.
LOCATION (Use cardinal directions to describe the relative location) p South of Caribbean Sea North of Brazil West of Guyana East of Colombia
Dry -a small part in the north. Tropical Most of Venezuela Dry -a small part in the north. Tropical Most of Venezuela. Highland- in NW, part of the Andes
NATURAL RESOURCES List the 3 most abundant p.116 Oil Natural gas Iron
POPULATION DISTRIBUTION Describe where it is the most densely populated p117 Northern and western part. Around the coast and the capital of Caracas.
Religion/Language/Literacy Rate p42,107,39 Christianity Spanish 90% or more.