The Future continuous: form Created by Susan Ryan 2012
Any continuous tense in English uses BE + Verb –ing. Look: Present Continuous I am sitting in class right now. Past Continuous I was sitting in class yesterday. Future Continuous I will be sitting class tomorrow. The Future Continuous just adds will for future meaning. So, it has 3 parts: WILL + BE + Verb –ing.
These are all forms of BE. In the Present Continuous we make changes to auxiliary verb BE to agree with the subject. Look: I am studying now. You are studying now. She is studying now. These are all forms of BE.
Hagob was working yesterday afternoon. In the Past Continuous, we also make changes to BE to agree with the subject. Look: Hagob was working yesterday afternoon. I was studying yesterday afternoon. BUT . . . We were studying yesterday afternoon.
In the Future Continuous we DON’T make changes to BE to agree with the subject. Why? Because we also have auxiliary WILL. Look: I will be visiting my family next summer. Hasmik will be visiting her family next summer. We will be visiting our families next summer. They will be visiting their families next summer. NO CHANGES! SO EASY!
Practice: Answer the questions with a partner. What will you be doing this weekend? I will be _______________________________________. Where will you be going after class today? When will we be taking a vacation this semester? We will be ____________________________________. What will you be having for dinner tonight?
More Practice . . . Where will you be living 5 years from now? I will be ______________________________________. When will your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/ wife be calling you? He/she will be ________________________________. When will we be leaving today? We will be ____________________________________. What will we be studying next week?
Can you answer these question by yourself now? WRITE your answers on a piece of paper. If you finish early, check your answers with your partner. Are your answers the same? What will you be doing this weekend? Where will you be going after class today? When will we be taking a vacation this semester? What will you be having for dinner tonight? Where will you be living 5 years from now? 6. What will we be studying next week?
So Easy!