The Society of Women Engineers Treasurer’s Report – BOD 2 Cindy Hoover – FY16 Treasurer October, 2015
FY15 Year End Review Income Expense Income 15% better than budget Conference income 17% better than budget Dues income strong at 22% better than budget Expense Expenses 2% over budget Conference expenses well managed at 4% under budget
Income – Operations & Conference *FY15 Preliminary Data; FY10-FY14 Based on Annual Report Data SWE Inc. SWE Inc + SWE EFI FY15 overall performance very good with record conference income Income for FY15 is 15% ahead of budget Inclusion of SWE EFI modifies data; focus on FY13 and on for trends Employee sponsored dues program continues to have a positive dues impact
Expense – Operations & Conference *FY15 Preliminary Data; FY10-FY14 Based on Annual Report Data SWE Inc. SWE Inc + SWE EFI FY15 overall expense management very good Expenses for FY15 are slightly (2%) over budget
*FY15 Preliminary Data; FY10-FY14 Based on Annual Report Data Income vs. Expense ($k) *FY15 Preliminary Data; FY10-FY14 Based on Annual Report Data SWE Inc. SWE Inc + SWE EFI Strong conference and dues performance, along with excellent expense management is yielding continued growth to net income. SWE EFI is now included in the annual report total net income.
Unrestricted Net Assets ($k)
Reserves ($k)
Special Project Fund Commitments Membership Database RFP responses under evaluation Target availability for FY17 renewals (May 2016) Governance Project McKinley Advisers hired as a consultant to review our governance structure SWE advisory committee developed to assist and connect McKinley to SWE leaders Recommendations are being evaluated by the Senate, Region & BOD D&I Project D&I card sets available for purchase D&I modules complete and pricing being worked Branding The branding survey is complete and data compiled Working through next steps and communications plans with membership
Financial Focus FY16 Safeguard Society Finances Monthly review of finance reports and metrics Strategic Financial Planning Participate with Annual Strategic Plan Review Develop rolling 3 year strategic budget (FY17-FY19) Continue training and resources Strive for improved understanding of financial matters Provide training for treasurers, officers Review, update training material for continuity, clarity
Resources Cindy Hoover, FY16 Treasurer Stephanie Gillespie, FY16 Finance Chair Dianne Beever, FY16 Finance Chair-Elect