Managing Organisational Dynamics A Practical Approach Laurie Cooper
Some key inputs to the Organisational Behaviour spectrum Individuals Language History Group experiences Groups Skills & Capabilities Work Perceptions/ Expectations Organisational Dynamics Sub Groups Prejudices Self Image Beliefs Personal life experiences Feelings Values Multiple Realities
The Individuals function at three levels The three levels of functioning of individuals are: Normative – these relate to a person’s understanding of the ‘world’ and the purpose of their personal situation Belief – Deals with issues of personal identity, including values Myth – Relates to personal issues not usually revealed to others but which ‘drive’ the person’s motivation and shape experiences, feelings and perceptions. Myth forms the basis of the individual’s moral compass.
The Three levels and their relationships and focus in organisational settings In effectively managing organisational dynamics, it is necessary for us to recognise the following: Each of these levels of individual functioning are attached to elements of an organisation’s functional profile; These elements may be used to rationalise behaviour by individuals in groups; and, Each level and element requires attention in any dynamic relationship be it change-based, managing balance in relationships and/or managing conflict.
Level of emotional functioning Elements Rational A-Rational Normative Relates to a person’s belief in the purposes of their personal situation. Includes questions such as “Why do I do it?” “How do I do it?” “When do I do it?” “What purpose does it serve?” - Social situation - Decisions - Relationships - Communication - Roles - Plans - Policies Belief Deals with the issue of personal identity and examines aspects such as: “Who am I?” “How do others see me?” “What is my image? - Objectives - Broad aims - Logos, symbols’ - Goal statements - Belief statements, Values Myth (derived from previous learnings, education, life experiences & upbringing) This relates the personal issues, experiences, feelings and perceptions we carry inside but very rarely discuss and include: “How do I really see myself?” “What are my issues?” “What will I reveal to you?” - Ritual - Assumptions - Feelings, Hopes, Fears, Trust - Traditions, History, Vision - History - Dreams - Stories
Increased Stress/Anxiety Understanding Responses – The Behaviour Triangle Passive/Aggressive Fight Flight A-Rational Increased Stress/Anxiety Rational Problem Solving
Summary – A Map for Managing Organisational Dynamics – An Individual Perspective Behave and Communicate assertively, which means: Addressing behaviours and issues not individuals Confronting issues or breaches of groundrules when they occur Using “I” language Be clear and specific about issues, content, actions etc., Address only the breach that has occurred and not those that have occurred in the past Seek resolution
Summary – A Map for Managing Organisational Dynamics – A Group Perspective Bring together the elements of behaviour in the group and: Create a level of common understanding within group Create a realistic and agreed level of expectation Create a level of discipline, communication, behaviour and a responsibility framework with group How? With total group participation, develop a set of agreed Groundrules by which the group will operate and manage itself by.
Groundrules may include …. How we will communicate How we will manage conflict How we will negotiate & communicate with each other How we will conduct ourselves at meetings and in other organisational settings How we will address each other How we will address “unfinished business”
… and include statements such as … Each member has the right to be heard without criticism We will accept and respect differing inputs We will address issues raised rather than focusing on the individual If there is a conflict in the group, the group will abide by the decision of the majority Decisions will be made by majority vote and adhered to by all Gender-based or personal attacks will not be accepted in this group In meetings there will be one discussion at a time – we will not talk over others
Activity Develop some draft groundrules to share as discussion starters with your group Be prepared to share with others
Thank you for your participation Thank you for your participation. I hope this session has been helpful in assisting your understanding of organisational dynamics. Should you want further information or assistance, please contact me on 0418 949 551 Thanks and regards, Lion Laurie Cooper