Nursery Newsletter Autumn Term 1 Staffing Nursery Teachers Nursery themes At the moment we are teaching the children to use the nursery areas and encouraging the children to be independent e.g. putting their apron on to paint, selecting resources and remembering to tidy away afterwards! We are introducing the children to Fountain’s whole school golden rules. We also Hve class silver rules and are asking the children to remember and practise them, for example remembering to share and take turns. We will be sharing stories to support this work. You can see which ones by looking at the noticeboard. You can help your child in this area by encouraging them to be independent at home e.g. putting their coat on, helping with jobs and playing turn taking games. We will be using the theme of Nursery rhymes to support work across the curriculum sharing our favourite rhymes with puppets and drawing or painting our favourite nursery rhyme characters. We will be making friends for incy wincy spider with dough. Important reminders We are very pleased with how well the children have settled back into Nursery life. We are busy welcoming new children to our Nursery and hope the returning children prove to be good role models. Our session times are as follows: Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday 9 to 3.15 Wednesday 9 to 11.30 and 12.45 to 3.15 We are happy for the children to arrive during the first 10 minutes of the session and a member of staff is always on the Nursery door say hello and settle your child on arrival. We have a staggered finish time so children can be collected from 3.10. For safety reasons, at home time we ask that parents wait in the cloakroom area and a member of staff will then call your child to go home. Our cloakroom area gets very busy at home time so whenever possible we ask that one person enters the cloakroom to collect. Nursery Library operates daily so please choose one book to take to share at home. We also ask you to share our question of the day in our entrance area with your child to reinforce Nursery activities and learning. Our activities for the week are displayed in the entrance area for your information. Please remember we are outdoors in all weather so children need to be suitably dressed! Nursery Newsletter Staffing Nursery Teachers Mrs Anderson (M-W) Miss Maughan-Strickler (W-F) Nursery Officers Mrs Ibbitson (M-W) Ms Davenport (W-F) Miss Hanohoe AM Lunchtime and Support Staff Mrs Crossley Miss Barnett Miss Hanohoe Star of the Day To celebrate achievements at Nursery we have a” Star of the Day”. If your child is chosen as our star they will bring home a certificate and choose an item from our star box. Technology area We always welcome items to use in our busy technology area e.g. empty boxes, old birthday cards, material, wool, tubes. For hygiene reasons we cannot use inside of toilet rolls. Stay and play sessions will be held towards the end of term, more information will follow.