Present continuous ( affirmative) This tense is also called the Present progressive. It is present continuous to refers to something has begun and has not finished, something which is in the process of being completed.
Present continuous I´m studying English My brother is talking on the phone now. We are swimming in the ocean Sue is reading a book right now.
Present continuous Spelling Verbs ending in one consonant, add ing Wait waiting 2. Verbs ending in e, drop e and add ing make making decide deciding write writing 3. Verbs ending with one vowel and one consonant, double the consonant. sit sitting swim swimming cut cutting
Present continuous Spelling 4.Verbs ending ie, change ie to y lie lying tie tying die dying 5. Verbs ending in a vowel and y, add ing stay staying play playing say saying
Present continuous Sam (drink) __________ some milk You (stand)___________ on my foot Mike (stay)___________ at this hotel You (sit) _____________ in my place We (have)___________ a good time I can´t talk now . I(wash) _____ my hair Tim and Sue (write) _______ letters. It (snow)________________ now.
Present continuous Choose the correct spelling. Jean is swimming /swiming in the pool right now. The girls are putting /puting on their coats. Hurry up! We´re / wer ´e waiting for you. Look outside! Its/ it´s snowing! Paula is studing/ studying economics in Washington. I can´t come now. I´m writting/writing a letter.
Present continuous ( affirmative, negative, interrogative) I am waiting She is waiting I´m not waiting She isn´t waiting You´re not waiting They aren´t waiting It isn´t waiting Am I waiting? Are you waiting? Is he waiting? Is it waiting? _______________________________ What are you doing? I am fixing my car Are you reading? I ´m not reading
Present continuous exercises Correct each sentence or question. I playing tennis with my best friend You´re coming to the show tonight? John and Mandy don´t going to the beach What is the noise? The dog is outside? I aren´t watching TV. Turn it off. Fred are eating a sadwich for his lunch Are waiting they for a bus?