FINITE MATH What is finite? Logic Lines and functions Linear equations Matrices Linear programming – Geo approach Linear programming – Alg approach Finance
This course is designed as a post Algebra II class for those students who do not want to pursue the Calculus sequence at this time. It has traditionally been a freshman college class for those who are majoring in the Liberal Arts, Social Sciences and any other non-mathematics based majors. MATERIALS REQUIRED: Textbook: Applied Finite Mathematics by Tan Calculator – a non-graphing will be needed Paper – lined and graph Spiral notebook Pencil STANDARD GRADING POLICY: Grades will be based on points accumulated through: homework, tests and quizzes . The distribution is as follows: 80% Tests and 10% Homework and 10% Quizzes The grading scale: A 90 - 100 % B 80 - 89.9 % C 70 - 79.9 % D 60 - 69.9 % F Below 60 % Effort grades will be based primarily on homework and in class work. Citizenship grades are based on classroom behavior and attendance. ONLINE GRADES: Grades will be posted online. Log in information will be sent from the district HOMEWORK POLICY: Homework will be assigned almost everyday and it is to be completed prior to the next class meeting. Students will receive points for homework, based on the completeness of the assignment. All work must be shown on homework in order to receive credit. MAKE-UP POLICY: It is the students responsibility to find out what was missed. Students will be given as many days as they were absent to make up homework. Tests make-ups will be given for excused absences, and students must arrange with me on the day of their return for a time to make up the test. If a student misses a quiz the % they get on the test for that unit will also be the % they are given for the quiz. RULES: Students are expected to be respectful to all people in the classroom. There will be no eating or drinking in the classroom. Leaving the room during class, disrupting the class, and being tardy will result in detention. The Academic Honesty Code from page 7 in the Parent-Student Handbook will be followed.
Propositions and Connectives Logic Propositions and Connectives
A proposition, or statement, is a declarative sentence that can be classified as either true or false, but not both
Is it a proposition? Toronto is the capital of Ontario. Close the door! There are many connections in the human brain Who is the Chief Justice? The new TV show is a success. The 1988 Summer Olympics were in Montreal. x + 3 = 8 How Wonderful! Seven is either even or odd.
and, not, or, if then, if and only if (iff) Name Logical Connective Symbol Conjunction And Λ Negation Not ~ Disjunction Or Ѵ Conditional if … then → Biconditional if and only if ↔ So if a homework question ask what is the logical connective in a statement all you do is write the word(s) from that column- and, not, or, if then, if and only if (iff)
Conjunction A conjunction is a statement in the form “p and q” and symbolically is p Λ q It is true only if p and q are both true. Otherwise it is false.
Disjunction A disjunction is a statement in the form “p or q” and symbolically is p Ѵ q It is false only if p and q are both false. Otherwise it is true.
Exclusive Disjunction An exclusive disjunction is a statement in the form “either p or q” and symbolically is p Ѵ q It is true if either p or q is true, not both. Otherwise it is false.
Negation A negation is a statement in the form “not p” and symbolically is ~p It is false if p is true and true if p is false. It is the opposite of p
Consider the two propositions: p: Seniors are smart people q: This year’s senior class is the best ever Write the following in symbolic form: Seniors are smart and this year’s senior class is best ever
Consider the two propositions: p: Seniors are smart people q: This year’s senior class is the best ever Write the following in symbolic form: Either seniors are smart or this year’s senior class is best ever
Consider the two propositions: p: Seniors are smart people q: This year’s senior class is the best ever Write the following in symbolic form: It is not true that seniors are smart and 2013 is best ever
Homework #1 Page A5 1 – 27 odd, logic puzzle