Should There be an Algebra Course for Non-STEM Majors? AMATYC Conference 2016 Rob Farinelli
There are many questions about this topic and this presentation does not have all of the answers! Yes, the algebra sequence for STEM majors needs some revision as well! Two DISCLOSURES
Think – Pair – Share Portion Consider the entire two-year college sequence of algebra courses … What is the one topic that should be tossed out? (PINK) What is theone topic that needs more attention? (YELLOW) Think – Pair – Share Portion
Some Background Data According to the 2015 CBMS Survey … College Algebra Enrollment at 292,000 Add 13,000 if you include a combined College Algebra/Trig Add 87,000 if you include Pre-Calculus Statistics Enrollment at 250,000 Intermediate Algebra at 299,000 Elementary Algebra at 277,000 Some Background Data
College Algebra (from 2010 CBMS, page147) Percentage of departments that offer College Algebra – 84% Purpose of College Algebra Prepare students for Trig, or Mainstream Calculus – 84% Prepare students for Business Calculus (non Mainstream) – 55% Strengthen general quantitative literacy – 73% Provide an option to students taking no further math – 68% Course content primarily taught through modeling and problem solving – 26% College Algebra (from 2010 CBMS, page147)
What Does the Traditional Algebra Sequence Prepare Students for? Surveys show that somewhere between 7% and 20% of college students actually enroll in a Calculus class. What about the rest?? What Does the Traditional Algebra Sequence Prepare Students for?
Some Alternate Programs Carnegie’s Quantway/Statway Dana Center’s New Mathway Project The Right Stuff College Algebra Project New Life Developmental Mathematics Revival Numerous state and local alternate Pathways programs Some Alternate Programs
But What about an Alternative Algebra Course? What is the prerequisite? How does it fit into the current track – OR – should it even?? Who would take this course? How can we still develop algebraic thinking and reasoning? Many students feel algebra is too difficult to understand and not too useful. But What about an Alternative Algebra Course?
What About Those Not Taking Calculus? Can we offer a different course? One that is NOT watered-down One that is mathematically rigorous One that has relevant content One that can appeal to many different majors If algebra is taught with sense-making as a goal, its power in solving many types of problems is apparent. What About Those Not Taking Calculus?
Differing Perceptions What words do students use to describe an algebra course? What words do faculty use to describe an algebra course? Differing Perceptions
What Should NOT Be Included?? Subtract: Simplify: What Should NOT Be Included??
What Should Be Included? Algebra as a Symbolic Language Algebra as Generalized Arithmetic Recognizing Patterns Functions and Algebra Slope, Linear Functions, and Proportional Reasoning Non-Linear Functions What Should Be Included?
Administration and Logistics Transfer Issues State Issues (meeting gen ed requirements) Advising Course Offerings Administration and Logistics
Enjoy the rest of the conference Contact Information: Rob Farinelli ( Thanks for attending!