Car, walk or public transport? How we move: Car, walk or public transport? The recent release of Victorian Integrated Survey of Travel and Activity (VISTA) provides insight into how we travel March 2016
OUR CARS STILL DOMINATE THE WAY WE TRAVEL To maximise a campaign’s reach, roadside signage must work at a glance Private vehicles = 73% of trips made 81% of distance travelled 65% of time spent travelling Weekday trips by mode by region Even in Inner Melbourne, 56% of trips are made by private vehicle (either vehicle driver or vehicle passenger) Source: Victorian Integrated Survey of Travel and Activity (VISTA) 2012-13 You can explore VISTA’s weekday trip data here.
RUSH HOURS: 6AM to 8PM IS PRIME TRAVEL TIME Out-of-Home is impacting this travel All people People 0-17 School trips generate morning and afternoon spikes during the weekdays for this age group. Weekends show spikes in the late morning, lunchtime and afternoon. People 18-64 Morning and evening peaks caused by the work commute are evident during the week. Pre evening peak is also strong, (after school pickup). Weekends are consistent morning till early evening. People 65+ With limited amounts of this age group working or having dependents in the home, they’re more free to travel when they want. Weekdays and weekends show similar profiles as a results. . Source: Victorian Integrated Survey of Travel and Activity (VISTA) 2012-13 You can explore VISTA’s time of day data here.
WHAT ARE PEOPLE DOING WHEN AWAY FROM HOME Work related activities are half of weekday activity Weekdays Weekends Source: Victorian Integrated Survey of Travel and Activity (VISTA) 2012-13, excluding at home. You can explore VISTA’s activity profile data here.
Each activity has its own unique profile during the weekdays WEEKDAY ACTIVITY Each activity has its own unique profile during the weekdays Work Work related activities and their travel are relatively consistent from sun up to sundown. Shopping Heaviest period for activity during the week is morning between 10am and midday Education Primary and Secondary schools cause the bulk of this activity, and travel for it, to occur 8.30am-3.30pm. Social/ Recreational Heaviest period are around the lunchtime and evening. Source: Victorian Integrated Survey of Travel and Activity (VISTA) 2012-13, excluding at home. You can explore VISTA’s activity profile data here.
Purpose, coverage and current release sample ABOUT VISTA Purpose, coverage and current release sample Victorian Integrated Survey of Travel and Activity (VISTA) The current VISTA survey started in July 2012 and will end in July 2016. Data is collected across the year to allow average daily travel behaviour to be measured. A total of 5,780 households and 14,520 people contributed to the latest VISTA survey release (in March 2016), which was conducted over the 2012-2013 financial year. Households across Melbourne, Geelong, Ballarat, Bendigo, Latrobe and Shepparton completed a travel diary on a single specified day as part of the survey. A diary is completed by the respondent outlining each of the trips they make in terms of: how did they travel, where did they go, why was the trip made and when did it occur in the day. Details about survey and travel diary can be located here