Innovative Training Networks Dr. Jennifer Brennan Marie Curie National Contact Point
Intersectoral involvement is required for all 3 ITN modes
Typical Activities of an ITN Joint research programme – each researcher has an Individual Research Project Advanced research skills and complementary skills training Networking events Secondments for each researcher to another sector Two types of participant Beneficiary: recruits researchers and receives a budget Partner: does not recruit researchers, claims costs back from a Beneficiary
Number of Consortium Members ETN and EJD: 6 to 10 Beneficiaries is typical. EID:?? In FP7 consortium was limited to 2 Beneficiaries, in H2020 you can have more. No limit to number of Partners Number of researchers funded Funded for min 3 months and max 36 months Max of 180 for EID with 2 Beneficiaries Max of 540 researcher-months for ETN, EJD and EID with more than 2 Beneficiaries
Costs of researchers (1) Institutional costs (2) Funding Model Categories of eligible costs Marie Skłodowska-Curie action Costs of researchers (1) Institutional costs (2) Living allowance (a) Mobility allowance (b) Family allowance (c) Top-up allowance (d) Research, training and networking costs (a) Management and indirect costs (b) ITN (100%) 3 110 600 500 -- 1 800 1 200 All values are PER MONTH
Excellence (50%) Impact (30%) Implementation (20%) Quality, innovative aspects and credibility of the research programme (including inter/multidisciplinary and intersectoral aspects) Enhancing research- and innovation-related human resources, skills, and working conditions to realise the potential of individuals and to provide new career perspectives Overall coherence and effectiveness of the work plan, including appropriateness of the allocation of tasks and resources (including awarding of the doctoral degrees for EID and EJD projects) Quality and innovative aspects of the training programme (including transferable skills, inter/multidisciplinary and intersectoral aspects) Contribution to structuring doctoral / early-stage research training at the European level and to strengthening European innovation capacity, including the potential for: a) meaningful contribution of the non-academic sector to the doctoral/research training, as appropriate to the implementation mode and research field b) developing sustainable joint doctoral degree structures (for EJD projects only) Appropriateness of the management structures and procedures, including quality management and risk management (with a mandatory joint governing structure for EID and EJD projects) Quality of the supervision (including mandatory joint supervision for EID and EJD projects) Effectiveness of the proposed measures for communication and dissemination of results Appropriateness of the infrastructure of the participating organisations Quality of the proposed interaction between the participating organisations Competences, experience and complementarity of the participating organisations and their commitment to the programme
Now If applying for ITN, decide which type you will target (ETN/EID/EJD) Start forming your consortium, or seek to join one “under formation” Apply to Enterprise Ireland for travel funding to meet partners Look at the websites of previously-funded projects (find them on CORDIS Projects) Decide on a writing strategy (e.g. lead writing partner, split the sections amongst the partners, how to receive input from others) If coordinating, apply to EI for Coordinator Support Funding. Will you work with a consultant? Let your research office know that you are applying Start planning your research & training programme (work packages etc.)
Latest date to begin writing Dec Download the MSCA Work Programme Determine the Call opening and closing dates and check eligibility criteria Call Open Download all documentation (Participant Portal) and read it! Coordinator to register for the online call and download the proposal template 3 months out Latest date to begin writing
First draft ready. Circulate to consortium for comments. 2 months out First draft ready. Circulate to consortium for comments. View proposal writing webinar offered by NCP. 2 weeks out Almost-final draft ready. Aiming to submit at the latest 1 day before Call close.
ITN Deadlines 2014 & 2015 CALL Opening Date Closing Date H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 11-Dec-2013 9-Apr-2014 H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015 2-Sep-2014 13-Jan-2015 Thank you!