WAYS TO OVERCOME BARRIERS CIRCULAR BUSINESS PLAN WAYS TO OVERCOME BARRIERS WAYS TO OVERCOME BARRIERS In every starting business there comes Challenges & barriers which need to be overcome to make the business a success by creating awareness of the business benefits, its easy uses, its economic-ability and waste-free use for recycling. This will become Circular Business Plan
BUSINESS PLAN(BLOCK CHAIN) CIRCULAR BUSINESS PLAN ECONOMICAL RECYCLABLE WASTE-FREE PLAN CIRCULAR BUSINESS PLAN(BLOCK CHAIN) 1 MANUFACTURER 2 WHOLESALER 3 RETAILER 4 END USER / CUSTOMER 5 RECYCLER In this Circular Business Plan, there shall come unavoidable five circular stages viz. These all shall make a business relationship circle between them. I hereunder give below a detail definition of each above business circular participant
1 - MANUFACTURER 1 - MANUFACTRER CIRCULAR BUSINESS PLAN 1 - MANUFACTRER 1 - MANUFACTURER Why a manufacturer shall adopt this business? Naturally, this question shall arise. The manufacturer shall adopt this business in view of advantages as under: Economical Hygienic Easily usable Easily Recyclable ECONOMICAL The first & foremost benefit of my Circular Business Plan shall be the Economic-ability because if compared with the existing making of plastic caps with new idea of making the caps, there shall be saving of plastic up to about 10 – 15 percent. Therefore, the manufacturer how he utilizes the cost saving whether he himself uses the benefit or wholly or partially passes this benefit of cost saving to the whole-seller.
CIRCULAR BUSINESS PLAN 1 - MANUFACTRER HYGIENIC The second benefit of my idea shall be that it will be Hygienic because Plastic Bottles shall be air-tight to escape gasses or air to come out or go inside the plastic bottles and the material of the plastic bottle shall remain safe. EASILY USABLE The customers/End users shall use the non-removable caps easily by rotating the Caps up to 180° degree anti- clockwise for use. It shall depend upon the user to either close the bottle by rotating the cap by 180° Degree clockwise or leave the plastic bottle open and the cap shall remain intact/attached. EASILY RECYCLABLE In the existing use of plastic caps the caps go to waste my idea shall be waste-free because the caps are non- removable and shall always remain attached with the plastic bottles before use and after use and thus the question of collecting the thrown away Caps need not arise. Thus Double benefits shall be obtained viz. waste-free economy and expense saving on collection of Caps which are uneconomical.
2 - WHOLESALER 2 - WHOLESALER CIRCULAR BUSINESS PLAN 2 - WHOLESALER 2 - WHOLESALER The wholesaler shall as usual purchase the product from the manufacturer in bulk Quantity to pass it on to the Retailer after keeping his margin of profit. The quantity increases the cost comes down and it shall push the business to flourish by leaps and bounds. The Wholesaler must be aware of the benefits of this product such as of its being economic, hygienic, easy to use and recyclable.
CIRCULAR BUSINESS PLAN 3 - RETAILER 3 - RETAILER Retailer is also important because it sales out the product to the end users after keeping his margin of profit. The Retailer must be aware of the benefits of the Product so that he is able to tell the end users of the benefits of the product. The publicity of the product on the media etc. helps the Retailer to sell the product.
4 - END USER / CUSTOMER 4 - END USER / CUSTOMER How to use the product CIRCULAR BUSINESS PLAN 4 - END USER / CUSTOMER 4 - END USER / CUSTOMER How to use the product Benefits of the product Public / User Awareness How to use the product The customer/end user shall be informed about the use the plastic bottle by rotating its cap anti- clockwise up to 180° Degree for use and after use place it open or close it as the cap shall remain attached Benefits of the product The customer should of the awareness the product is hygienic, easy to use, economical and recyclable. Thus will insight the user/ customer to happily use the product for his own benefit, countries benefit and the whole world benefit.
CIRCULAR BUSINESS PLAN 4 - END USER / CUSTOMER User / Public Awareness There must be user/ public awareness like the message “To keep your city clean“. The customer should not throw the used product such as plastic material after use on the ground but place it in its proper place for cleanliness and prevent Pollution being spread in the world through wasted. The people should be aware disadvantages of the Pollution and therefore help the atmosphere free from Pollution. The waste generated by the used plastic material etc. go the Seas and elsewhere causing Pollution and danger to human lives and other creatures in the Seas and elsewhere.
CIRCULAR BUSINESS PLAN 5 - RECYCLER 5 – RECYCLER The recycler shall collect the plastic bottles with their attach cap for recycling purpose. Thus will save his time and botheration to collect spread caps as they easily find the cap attached with the plastic bottles.
Advertising through different Media CIRCULAR BUSINESS PLAN HOW TO CROSS BARRIERS TO FACE THE CHALLENGES OF BUSINESS TO ACHHIEVE THE GOAL AND MAKE THE BUSINESS A SUCCESS The Circular Business Plan consists of five parties i.e. (i) Manufacturer (ii) Wholesaler (iii) Retailer (iv) Customer/ End user (v) Recycler As explained earlier, they will need the support of social media, Electronic Media and Print Media besides publicity to create awareness amongst the above five parties. Advertising through different Media There shall be advertising through Social media, Electronic media, and Print media to create awareness of the benefits of the product coming in the market and this advertising shall play a great positive role from manufacturing stage to recycling stage i.e. in all five stages.
CIRCULAR BUSINESS PLAN AWARENESS AWARENESS This will be important task to bring awareness between the five interlinked parties for this purpose, Seminars, Workshops and Public awareness Programs shall have to hold from time to time. There should also be School, Colleges and University students Awareness Programs to tell the students about the Pollution and make the world Pollution-free.
SUMMARY OF CIRCULAR BUSINESS PLAN If the Circular Business plan comes in to force once successfully, it shall start moving to attract the parties towards it and the Barriers shall keep on removing one by one. This will give benefits of Plastic Saving, Pollution free atmosphere and acceptable profits to all the allied five parties. I wish and hope the world and its Oceans become Pollution free as far as possible in the future.