Iowa Communications Alliance 2017 CyberSecurity Summit Geri Huser, IUB Chair
The Iowa Utilities Board regulates utilities to ensure that reasonably priced, reliable, environmentally responsible, and safe utility services are available to all Iowans.
State of Iowa Cybersecurity Executive Order 87 Issued by Governor Branstad December 2015 Declared cybersecurity a top priority and declared that the State of Iowa should protect its citizens and economy against cyberattacks State Cybersecurity Strategy released July 2016 Roles for the IUB Aid in developing the Cyber Incident Response Plan under IAHSEMD’s Emergency Response Plan IUB’s internal cybersecurity plan will be a subset of the state plan developed by the Office of Chief Information Office (OCIO)
Iowa Utilities Board Overview Annual fall meetings with industry have been informal and included general discussion topics such as: Standards and sources of information used (NIST, NERC-CIP, FCC) Risk Assessments State Cybersecurity Plan Staffing Financial impacts related to ongoing cybersecurity activities Recovery Plans related to a major cyber incident
Board Actions Exercises Table top exercises and simulated scenarios Safeguard Iowa Partnership proposing a series of exercises in 2017 that the IUB will determine level of participation Involved with Iowa Cyber Alliance to help develop and disseminate standardized basic cybersecurity message for all Iowans Discussions with IAHSEMD and stakeholders to improve communications and emergency response procedures
Legislation Effective July 1, 2017 HF 445 - Confidential Treatment for Cyber Security and Critical Infrastructure Information Proposed by IUB and Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department (IAHSEMD) Adds an exception into State’s Open Records Law to protect information the disclosure of which may expose or create a vulnerability to utilities or other critical infrastructure systems
National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) Establish an internal team of cybersecurity experts Develop a strategy addressing the goals, timeframe of proceedings and desired approach Ask questions to utilities Cybersecurity should be dealt with discretely Review the strategy to ensure continuous improvement
What is the Smart Grid? Utility infrastructure that updates our current system Smart Grid allows utilities to better accommodate individuals and companies who wish to have distributed generation Smart Meters allows two way communication between the utilities and the customer by allowing them to check meters in real time Distribution intelligence, along with Smart Meters, will automatically notify utilities of outages providing a quicker response time and less amount of customers affected
Energy Assurance Plan Energy Assurance Plan’s goals is to help respond to vulnerabilities and protect against threats The Plan helps establish priorities to mitigate impact for State Officials and stakeholders when there is a energy disruption The IUB is the lead agency and is responsible for updating the Plan Other agencies part of the Working Group are DPS, DOT, IDALS, HSEM, and DNR
? For questions or more information, contact : Don Tormey, Director of Communications Website: