Associate Dean of Nursing, Belmont University Preparing the Nursing Workforce of the Future The View from Nursing Education Martha Buckner, PhD, RN Associate Dean of Nursing, Belmont University April 12, 2017
Good news The number of new graduate nurses in Tennessee is growing
New graduates from Tennessee Nursing Schools
Significant increase in enrollment in RN-BSN programs More good news Significant increase in enrollment in RN-BSN programs
Graduates from RN-BSN programs in TN
Growth in MSN & Doctoral enrollments statewide MSN programs have steady enrollment growth DNP programs have significant growth
Enrollment growth for MSN & Doctoral programs in Tennessee
Current challenges in nursing education Knowledge explosion/Content saturation Faculty shortages Changing healthcare environment Need for reform (IOM, Carnegie) More emphasis on resilience, leadership, professionalism, teamwork/collaboration, communication, value-based reimbursement
Clinical education Challenges Increased competition for sites/preceptors Limits on what students can “do” Limited access to EHRs Inconsistent experience and engagement
Promising opportunities Academic-practice partnerships Dedicated education units Embedded clinical faculty Internship/Externships Practicums Concept-based curricula
Simulation Debriefing Increased sophistication High volume/core measure scenarios Low volume, high risk scenarios Clients with changing condition Debriefing
Competency based education Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) Patient-centered care Teamwork & collaboration Evidence-based practice Quality improvement Safety Informatics
Interprofessional education Core competencies Create a climate of mutual respect and shared values Understand professional roles to put patient at the center Improved communication and teamwork Improve the health of populations in ways that are safe, timely, efficient, effective and equitable
Academic-practice gap