NGO BIBAA LUNDI ANNE OMAM "Addressing stigma through the economic empowerment of women in the South West Region of Cameroon - The case of Reach Out Cameroon" NGO BIBAA LUNDI ANNE OMAM Reach Out Cameroon
Background Fighting HIV/AIDS is not equal to other social parameters in the community Little is done to link anti-HIV campaigns to social stigma campaigns As a response to increasing social and economic consequence of the HIV pandemic, we sought to implement a pilot micro-project, and evaluate its impact on poverty and stigma experienced by People Living with HIV (PLHIV), mostly women in South West Region (SWR) of Cameroon.
Background: Why empower women Living with HIV Feminization of HIV 5.6% Most women are economically unstable and dependent women are prone to multiple vulnerabilities influenced by various factors out of their control. Men have control over women’s sexuality and rights Most women living are dependent of men for medical bills Some of these practices serve to influence the infection rates of HIV and AIDS, with young girls being particularly vulnerable of wealthier and more powerful male counterparts.
APPROACH (1) Holistic approach used Fighting stigma via Economic empowerment Baseline studies Training and disbursement of seed capital Follow up Evaluation
The Approach (2) Baseline Questionnaire Based 60 women Focusing on health situation, economic situation, stigma experience
The Approach (2) 1. TRAININGS Identified three women headed support groups Sixty women from 03 women groups Each benefitted $140 Training on book keeping and effective groups Trained on Nutritional counselling (immune building and weight gain therapy)
The Approach (2) 2. ADVOCACY Organized 3 advocacy meetings with local and administrative authorities in 3 localities Women living with HIV expressed the stigma witness at community and health center level Authorities gave way forward
The Approach (3) Post Evaluation A survey conducted involving an assessment of the grants impact in lives of beneficiaries November 2013 – August 2014.
Achievements Qualitative Beneficiaries described how successful their businesses were after being trained on book keeping and on group dynamics. Beneficiaries became better managers of their businesses, interact with their peers, do keep their financial records and manage conflicts in their groups using appropriate communication skills Local authorities have written appreciation letters to show signs of approval of the project as well as their willingness to support, this alone is sign of change in beliefs and attitudes.
Achievements Businesses such as sales of kerosene, firewood, groundnuts, rice and communication credit were established. Micro- poultry and pig farms were also established.
Achievements Quantitative 60 micro-projects established. All beneficiaries could save monthly with 48% of the women saving a minimum of $40 per month. 50% acknowledge that the grant helped in reducing stigma against them.
Difficulties Persuading the beneficiaries to break the silence on their status and speak out during the advocacy meetings with authorities. Ensuring that grants were used to establish microprojects Reaction of some authorities after the women denounced the negative practices they experience in some health facilities
Lessons learnt HIV/AIDS is not a barrier to the economic empowerment of women. Economic empowerment of women living with HIV is a means to fight stigma in communities With or without HIV, everybody has got a chance to live successfully. Just a push towards women, can trigger them to break the silence on their status and thus move towards self-development. Advancing women’s economic opportunities leads to power balance and reduction of inequalities in communities. The use of participatory approaches in project implementation leads to better project appropriation by communities.