Working with Students with Learning Disabilities


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Presentation transcript:

Working with Students with Learning Disabilities Definition of LD Characteristics of students with LD Five Stages of Learning Recommendations for Gen. Ed. teachers

Class Objectives Today Learn the Federal Definition of Specific Learning Disabilities (IDEA definition) IDEA criteria for specific learning disabilities Understand difficulties students with LD experience Describe differences between constructivism and objectivism Describe characteristics of Direct Instruction Name the 5 Stages of Learning Apply 5 Stages of Learning to working with students with LD in your classrooms

Short Brainstorm Minute 1: Individually brainstorm and list 3 primary skills a student must poses in order to gain access to academic learning in school. Minute 2: Turn to a person close to you, share your lists and try to rate which is the most important skills a student needs to have to access academic learning in school.

Federal Definition under IDEA Specific Learning Disability means: A disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, which may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell or do mathematical calculations.

IDEA Identification Criteria for LD A team may determine that a child has a specific learning disability if: The child does not achieve commensurate with his or her age and ability levels in one or more of the areas listed, when provided with learning experiences appropriate for the child’s age and ability levels; and the learning problems are NOT primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor disabilities, of mental retardation, of emotional distrubance, or of environmental, or economic disadvantage, or cultural or linguistic difference.

IDEA Identification Criteria for LD A team may determine that a child has a specific learning disability if there is a severe discrepancy between achievement and intellectual ability in:  oral expression  listening comprehension  written expression  basic reading skills  reading comprehension  mathematics calculation  mathematics reasoning

Learning Disabilities Identification Criteria Discrepancy between potential and achievement, IQ is average or above average Failure to profit from typical instruction Pronounced Strengths and Weaknesses Variable performance Inconsistent performance Academic Skills Reading, Writing, Math Affective Domain Self-Esteem Motivation

Difficulties in the following areas may by symptomatic of a learning disability: Attention Processing Time Reasoning Memory Oral Communication Reading Writing & Spelling Mathematics Motor Skills Social Skills and Abilities

Common Secondary Characteristics of Individual’s with Learning Disabilities Low motivation Poor Self-Esteem Behavioral Concerns Physical Affects Self-Critical & Critical of Others

High School Students with LD might experience difficulties with: Taking lecture notes Copying notes from the board Listening comprehension Vocabulary Development Multiple meanings Memorization Pronouncing & spelling multisyllabic or irregular words Applying capitalization & punctuation rules Slow reading speed Slow rate of comprehension Organization of ideas Determining informational hierarchies

Common Themes for working with students with learning disabilities: The most important thing to remember is that these strategies are good for all students!! The key to success for teaching students who have trouble learning is STRUCTURE, structure, structure!!! & then determining the amount and kind of practice that each individual student needs & how to maintain their skills.

Understanding Your Student Population It is essential to take the time to get to know your “audience.” Students’ learning styles Students’ learning needs Students’ perceptions about learning Clarifies where you may need to start with instruction Establishes credibility with students This class is about them, not just the content you are teaching Helps us, as teachers better frame model of information delivery

Some Differences between Regular & Special Education (In theory) Regular education and special education are based on different learning theories. Regular Education  Constructivism Special Education  Objectivism Under objectivism is behaviorism Behaviorism  Direct Instruction & 5 Stages of Learning

Direct Instruction (DI) Explicit objectives Present the new information Present examples and non-examples Guided Practice Error correction/clear instructional feedback Promote high rates of accuracy Quick paced and interactive Evaluation of instruction/collection of data

Constructivism Learners are active participants Learners create knowledge Learning should be authentic Materials should be authentic Assessment of learning should be authentic Teachers are moderators

What works for students with learning disabilities? A combination: Direct Instruction & Constructivism Goal of Regular & Special Education is to support students in becoming independent learners…but they need clear objectives, models and practice just as we do as teacher-learners… 5 Stages of Learning Acquisition Fluency Maintenance Generalization Adaptation

Stages of Learning Acquisition Promoting Acquisition – Guided Practice Learning to perform the basic requirements of a skill Goal is to teach correct performance of the skill Promoting Acquisition – Guided Practice Attention Information on how to perform the skill correctly Feedback (immediate reinforcement, error correction, other strategies) Frequent measurement

Stages of Learning Fluency (Proficiency) Promoting Fluency Learning to perform the skill with ease Goal is to perform the skill with the necessary ease or speed for success in the natural environment Promoting Fluency Determine the level of fluency required Frequent, structured practice Differential reinforcement Feedback (immediate reinforcement, error correction, other strategies)

Stages of Learning Maintenance Learning to perform the skill after teaching has ceased Goal is to perform the skill when necessary in the natural environment Promoting Maintenance Ensure that you are teaching functional or useful skills Over learning Thin the reinforcement schedule Use natural reinforcers Delay the reinforcers

Stages of Learning Generalization Promoting Generalization Learning to perform the skill in situations other than training situation (classroom) The goal is to extend the skill to other environments Promoting Generalization Extend training to other environments Reinforce generalized use of the skill Recruit reinforcement in other environments

Stages of Learning Adaptation Promoting Adaptation Learning to apply the skill to novel problems The goal is to extend the skill to new situations Promoting Adaptation Provide opportunities to adapt the skill Point out the functionality of the skill Reinforce adaptations of the skill

Connecting the Stages of Learning to Student’s Learning Needs Students with learning disabilities have difficulties with understanding or in using language, spoken or written, which may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell or do mathematical calculations.

Let’s take a look at Different Kinds of Learning Disabilities Reading Poor readers have difficulties with… Phonological Awareness (Sound-letter correspondence) Orthographic Processing (Visual Memory) Effects reading fluency Effects reading comprehension

Teaching Guidelines for students with Reading Disabilities Provide students with structure to succeed in acquiring content &/or skills Pre-teach vocabulary Preview major concepts State purpose for reading Provide clear directions & examples/non-examples 2. Develop fluency of skills or content Provide opportunities for repetition of instruction Make time & volume adjustments for those who need more practice Provide feedback (in class exercises where students can give and receive frequent, direct & clear feedback)

Accommodations Books on tape Partner reading Small group work (structured, assign roles) Provide alternative assignments (using sources other than reading for acquiring information, or use modified texts with pictorial supports, videos, audio lesssons). Oral assessment (quizzes & tests)

Book/End of Chapter Questions: Text Accommodations Teach chapter previewing skills Provide page numbers where the answers can be found Simplify vocabulary Break two part questions down into two separate questions Modifications: reducing number of questions to be answered for HW, tests

How to provide NEEDED STRUCTURE to all students Have students keep an assignment notebook Clearly state and post daily objectives – what you expect the students to learn while in your class. Develop and use a simple system for students to receive, record, and turn in assignments (Rod’s routine). Clearly explain the system (several times) and provide opportunities for practice and feedback. Be consistent!!!!! Set clear consequences. Follow up when students do not follow the system Be consistent!!!!

Taking your structure through the 5 Stages of Learning Clearly explain, model and conduct guided-practice on how you want notes and assignments set up. I do it. We do it. You do it. (Anita Archer, 2003) Maintenance and trying to get students to use these skills across classes should be encouraged…teaming with other teachers to do this helps tremendously.

Teach Study Skills to Mastery using the 5 Stages of Learning Note taking (2 column note-taking system) Memorization (note card exercises) Social Skills (DI, model, practice, assess classroom rules) Writing Writing process  brainstorm, outline, topic sentence, etc. Proof reading check list

In this lesson we covered Learn the Federal Definition of Specific Learning Disabilities (IDEA definition) IDEA criteria for specific learning disabilities Understand difficulties students with LD experience Describe differences between constructivism and objectivism Describe characteristics of Direct Instruction Name the 5 Stages of Learning Apply 5 Stages of Learning to working with students with LD in your classrooms