The Building Blocks of Music ♫ The Music Elements The Building Blocks of Music
Beat: Always steady Some beats are strong and some are weak METER organizes beats
Listen to the following selections and determine the strong and weak beat patterns Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Strong weak Strong weak Strong weak weak Strong Strong weak weak Strong weak Strong
Fingers on Computer Keys 2. Rhythm A pattern of long and short sounds and silences Playing a drumset Fingers on Computer Keys Hammering Nails
Rhythmic Notation Symbols
Silences are also notated – they are RESTS
Make patterns of notes and rests to create rhythm
Fun With Rhythm! LeRoy Anderson’s “The Typewriter” Watch and Listen to a legendary drummer play RHYTHM!
3. Pitch The Highness or lowness of ANY sound Policeman’s Whistle Ocean Liner’s Whistle
An important rule for Pitch The rule of the 4 L’s LONG LOOSE LARGE equals LOW!
Musical Pitch is noted on a STAFF Five lines and four spaces on which music is writen
The high pitches are written on the TREBLE STAFF
The low pitches are written on the BASS STAFF
When both staves are used, it is called a GRAND STAFF
Every line and every space has a letter name F E D C B A G F E D C B A G F E D C B A G
Combine Pitch and Rhythm to create the next two elements: 4. MELODY Pitches that make up the tune of the song 5. HARMONY Other pitches or notes played at the same time as the melody to support it
Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Listen to the following Examples. Determine whether each one is MELODY only, or MELODY with HARMONY? Example 1 Example 2 Example 3
6. TEMPO! Tempo is the speed of the beat and how the speed changes.
7. VOLUME Volume in music is called “Dynamics” Dynamics show how loud or soft the music is, or changes in volume Pianissimo very soft Piano soft Mezzo piano medium soft Mezzo forte medium loud Forte loud Fortissismo very loud Crescendo get louder Decrescendo get softer
TIMBRE is to music what COLOR is to visual art Click on the pictures
What words can you use to describe TIMBRE? Warm Rich Woody Metallic Tinkling Light Airy Strident What other words can you think of?
Instrumentation shows timbre Cordophones Violin Viola Cello Bass viol Guitar Harp Piano (acoustic) Ukulele Aerophones Trumpet Tuba Horn Baritone Trombone Saxophone Clarinet Flute oboe recorder Whistle Bagpipes Pipe organ Harmonica Human voice Alphorn
Instrumentation shows timbre Membranophones Snare drum Tympani Bass drum Bongos Conga drum Djembe Talking drum Idiophones Triangle Cymbals Xylophone Bells Maracas Guiro Gong Electrophones Electronic: Keyboard Guitar Theramin Synthesizer
The complexity of a piece of music 9. TEXTURE The complexity of a piece of music MONOPHONIC POLYPHONIC HOMOPHONIC