Arts Lesson 2 Music Teacher-centred Instruction Independent Learning The teacher conducts the voice emission with the whole group of students The teacher divides the participants into three groups: altos, sopranos and baritones The groups spread into three rooms The chosen students read the lyrics of their national songs for the group to repeat them The students read the lyrics individually , take notes on pronunciation in different languages Cooperative Learning Project Based Learning The students perform the songs together in one group being conducted by one of the pupils The participants learn cooperation and experience singing in different languages in the international choir. classical independent cooperative reflective persevering responsible T I C P
Connection with the world Adaptive Learning Didactics Teacher-centred Independent Cooperative Projects Skills Cooperation Take responsibility . Reflect Persevere Worldclass Connection with the world classical independent cooperative reflective persevering responsible T I C P
Complete Instruction T I C P What am I going to do? Assignment How will I do it? That is how With whom will I do it? With your classmate What kind of help do I need? First, within your group and then … How much time do I have? XX minutes What do we do with the results? You check What should I do, if I finish early? Extra assignment classical independent cooperative reflective persevering responsible T I C P
Teacher centered Independent Cooperative Project Goals of lesson Getting to know five European songs characeristic for the countries participating in the project Familiarizing with Hungarian,German, Turkish,Dutch and Polish languages Acquiring and developing social and interpersonal skills Cooperating in international teams to achieve a common goal – the concert of the international choir and orchestra Enriching knowledge of European music and culture Discovering students' musical talents (singing and playing the instruments) classical independent cooperative reflective persevering responsible T I C P
Teacher centered Independent Cooperative Project based Workshop 1 0 - 20 Handing out the notes with lyrics and reading the English translation of all five songs 20 - 35 Getting to know the lyrics of the Hungarian song 35 - 50 Getting to know the lyrics of the Dutch song 50 - 55 Short break 55 - 70 Getting to know the lyrics of the Turkish song 70 - 85 Getting to know the lyrics of the German song 85 - 100 Getting to know the lyrics of the Polish song classical independent cooperative reflective persevering responsible T I C P
Teacher centered Independent Cooperative Project based Workshop 2 0-20 Voice emission and the division into three groups: altos, sopranos, baritones 20-35 Singing of tyhe Hungarian song 35-50 Singing practice of the Dutch song 50-55 Short break 55-70 Singing practice of the Turkish song 70-85 Singing practice of the German song 85-100 Singing practice of the Polish song classical independent cooperative reflective persevering responsible T I C P
T I C P Workshop 3 0 - 20 Voice emission Teacher centered Independent Cooperative Project based Workshop 3 0 - 20 Voice emission 20 - 60 Singing all five songs in separate groups (altos,sopranos,baritones) 60 - 65 Short break 65 - 80 Rehearsal with the instruments 80 - 100 Singing practice together with the accompanying instruments classical independent cooperative reflective persevering responsible T I C P
Starting Position T I C P Teacher centered Independent Cooperative Project based Starting Position • 15 Music workshops with the Polish students (voice emission, learning the lyrics,singing practice of the five songs) conducted by the music coordinator before the exchange meeting • Voice emission with all participants from five countries • Getting known the lyrics and melodies with all students • Division into three groups: altos,sopranos and baritones • Initially students are not aware of their talents classical independent cooperative reflective persevering responsible T I C P
Conditions 1 T I C P • The auditorium room and 2 classrooms • OHP Teacher centered Independent Cooperative Project • The auditorium room and 2 classrooms • OHP • Files with the notes and lyrics for each participant • Instruments: the keyboard, the flutes, the violin,the cello,the guitars • Microphones • CD players classical independent cooperative reflective persevering responsible T I C P
Conditions 2 Teacher centered Independent Cooperative Project • The music coordinator and two students conduct the singing practice in separate rooms • Students are divided into three groups: altos,sopranos,baritones • Language teachers and native speakers support participants in their activities • 80 Students divided into three groups sing in separate rooms • 80 Students sing together with the international orchestra in the auditorium classical independent cooperative reflective persevering responsible T I C P
Teacher centered Independent Cooperative Project Reflection • During the workshops students discover their music and language skills • Finally the students realize the need of teamwork and appreciate the idea of working together • The participants recognize the benefits of international cooperation • The participants witness the results of their work during the final concert • Other students from the school are being inspired by working together in international teams and producing a music performance classical independent cooperative reflective persevering responsible T I C P