PARTNERSHIPS THROUGH REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTIONS 2016 RCARO Managed Project Introductory Workshop for New RCA Government Parties on RCA Programme and its Policy Coral Coast, Fiji, 25 November 2016
Pacific islands
THE BEGINNING LEADERS PRESENT 2012 EWTP APPROVAL FOR PROMOTION OF GREEN ECONOMY LEADERS PRESENT PNG FSM Fiji Tonga Kiribati Tuvalu Nauru New Caledonia Cook Islands Solomon Islands Timor Leste French Polynesia Marshall Islands Vanuatu
THE 3rd PIDF SUMMIT LEADERS PRESENT THEMATIC SESSIONS 2015 – ENTRY INTO FORCE OF PIDF CHARTER LEADERS PRESENT PNG FSM Fiji Tonga Kiribati Tuvalu Tokelau Nauru New Caledonia Cook Islands Solomon Islands Timor Leste French Polynesia Marshall Islands Vanuatu THEMATIC SESSIONS 300 delegates/participants 48 countries and territories 34 International and NGOs Commonwealth Secretariat SG UN Envoy on Climate Change Charter registered with UN on 6/10/15 [UN Registration Certificate Number 66150]
DEFINITION & UNIQUENESS Design – Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development Multi-stakeholder P-SIDS&T Platform for The Green and Blue Economies Inclusivity (High Level Political Forum – UN) Multi-sector Multi-stakeholder Multi-Level
PIDF PURPOSE To drive transformative changes by: Advocacy on CC Implement SD policies etc that respond to CC & globalisation; Accelerating the integration of the 3 pillars of SD; and Facilitating the use of innovative tools such as green economy, adaptive leadership, and genuine partnerships.
PIDF FUNCTIONS 01 02 03 Regional platform that preserves islands cultural diversity in the face of CC Platform where P-SIDS leaders take ownership of decisions to address development Inclusive regional multi-stakeholder forum for P-SIDS leaders 04 Regional counterpart for south-south cooperation and other international arrangements
Pacific islands DEVELOPMENT FORUM Clusters for Action Mainstreaming green growth in Pacific blue economies Decarbonisation by 2030 (Low carbon pathways) Building island resilience to climate impacts
MEMBERSHIP PACIFIC ISLANDS (11) Nauru Tonga Fiji Solomon Islands Micronesia Kiribati Marshall Islands Nauru Solomon Islands Timor-Leste Tokelau Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu PACIFIC ORGANISATIONS (2) Pacific Islands Association and Non- Government Organization (PIANGO) Pacific Islands Private Sector Organization (PIPSO)
IAEA and PIDF Fiji delegation to 59th General Conference of the IAEA (September 2015) – signing of first country Programme Framework 2016-2021 PIDF highlighted as Fiji’s preferred vehicle in collaboration with CROP, in areas of TC under Fiji’s CPF and the UN post-2015 development agenda Pacific members include: Fiji, Palau, RMI, PNG and Vanuatu (Solomon Islands, Cook Islands, Kiribati) PIDF explores MOU for collaboration in innovation with IAEA (visit of Dr.Acuna/meeting with PIDF-DSG – 5 April 2016) Outcome of Inter-Regional meeting TCP with SDGs of SIDS
POTENTIAL AREAS OF COLLABORATION SDG2 – NO HUNGER – Agricultural Productivity & Food security – technical cooperation focus on improving yield and quality SDG3 – GOOD HEALTH – Human Health & Nutrition - Enhance prevention, treatment and control of diseases (including radiation treatment of NCDs, work on Zika virus and others) SDG14 – LIFE BELOW WATER - Water & the Environment - measures to manage and protect marine resources and coastal zones – Pacific Blue Economy Conference – monitor effects of ocean acidification
blue economy Scope includes: Activities which explore and develop ocean resources; Activities which use ocean space; Activities which protect the ocean environment; Activities which use ocean products as a main input; and Activities which provide goods and services to support ocean activities.
PACIFIC BLUE ECONOMY UN Conference on Oceans and Seas – SDG14 (Fiji, 2017) – Co-host Sweden PIDF mandate on Pacific-SIDS Blue Economy IAEA potential engagement on protection of oceans and coastal areas (nuclear waste shipments) and measure of ocean acidification