Introducing Sococo Moving In Teams
Agenda Why Sococo? Sococo Overview Getting help “Moving in” checklist Place: Map cues online behaviors People: Avatars convey presence, availability & work Connect: Audio & Video, Screen sharing, Chat, “Get”, Guests Getting help “Moving in” checklist
Why Sococo? Helps teams operationalize transformation to Agile We work in distributed teams Using Sococo, we can see who’s meeting with who & who’s available now—so critical to self-organization Integrated audio, video & screen share
Place: Enter in Lobby
Place: Office paradigm cues online behaviors
Place: There’s even a beach! (on this map)
Place: Self-organize and remove blockers
Place: Moving around Click on room name to move there Turn on mic and camera after entering room Right-click and Close the door for privacy To enter, right-click and Knock
Place: Navigate to other spaces
Place: Set Home Right-click on room to Set as home room Click Home icon to go Home after meeting Go Home at sign on (bypass list of spaces)
Screen on - sharing info People: Avatar cues Headset on - can hear Mic on - can talk Camera on - can be seen Screen on - sharing info Name tag on - guest
People: Edit profile Right-click on your avatar to Edit your profile Pick a color for your avatar Set Sococo Name & Initials (what others see when they hover their cursor over your avatar on the map) Set your First and Last Name
People: Update Status Right-click on avatar to Update Status Our team can establish team norms, such as: Update your status to Away when you step away from your desk for a few minutes. Update your status message giving the time you will return when you will be away for more than an hour.
People: Contact list
Connect: Audio & Video Click Gear to set different audio device for Notification sounds Click Mic drop-down menu to select audio input device Click Video drop-down menu to select video input device
Connect: Screen Sharing Can have multiple simultaneous screen shares - no need to pass control! Each person can share a screen Click screen icon to launch screen sharing First time “Allow” Chrome plug-in Tip: If running Sococo from browser, run in separate window
Connect: Screen Sharing
Connection Quality Conserve bandwidth to improve your meeting experience over poor connection Click Connection Quality Disable Videos and/or Screen shares
Connect: Chat Private Chat: Right-click on avatar to Open chat Room Chat: Click Chat icon at top of People pane to open room chat
Connect: “Get” Right-click on avatar to Get straggler to come to Standup now!
Connect: Guest Access Right-click on room and Get a Share link for [room-name] Share link via email, text, calendar ... Guest must use Chrome browser Someone must be in room to answer Knock and admit Guest
Getting Help Click ? for Help from Sococo Support/Live Chat Sococo Knowledgebase: Expand Options pane: click Report a Problem
“Moving In” Checklist Bookmark url: Download Desktop App: Set home room Update profile Configure audio/video devices Check out Settings Recommendation: Use headset