Prof. H. U. PADWAL Accountancy & Financial Management (IV) S.Y.B.Com.
Accounting With The Use Of Accounting Software.
Management Information System MEANING:- Business organization have replace there manual accounting system with computerized accounting system such a system analysis the data in much better way. The quality of information decide the quality of decision therefore MIS introduced it is a system of processing of data in such a manner that the management can performs its function efficiently.
Management Information System
FEATURES OF MIS It is a system which provides required information to the management for decision making. 2) It is based on data based of the organization. 3) It is computer based information system . 4) The management can achieve the goals on the basis of MIS . 5) It is a technique of providing information .
ROLE OF MIS 1) It collects data from various sources . 2) It minimize the cost of operation . 3) It supply reliable information to the management . 4) Its support the management in every situation . 5) It enables the management to complete the market effectively . 6) It helps in planning & controlling the business function .
ESSENTIAL OF GOOD MIS 1) It is flexible . 2) It provides complete information . 3) It should be clear and understandable to everyone . 4) It report should be consistence . 5) ) It report should be comparable . 6) It should provide information whenever it is required . 7) It should be goal oriented .
PURCHASE ORDER It is a commercial document issued by a buyer to a seller indicating type of quantities and agreed price for product or services .The seller will provide to the buyer sending a purchase order to a supplier indicating a legal offer to buy a product or services . Acceptance of purchase order by seller is one of the contract between the buyer and seller so no contract is exist until the purchase order is accepted. Purchase order are generally pre-printed, number documents , generated by the retailers. TO OPEN A PURCHASE ORDER Go to Gateway of tally > Inventory voucher > press Alt + F4 OR click on purchase order.
SALES ORDER The sales order is a confirmation document sent to the customer before delivery of goods or services. Sales order can be created once the quotation is accepted by the customer and purchase order is sent by customer for future processing . Sales order includes sales order number , date , product including the quantity and price , billing and shipping address and terms and condition . TO OPEN SALES ORDER :- Go to gate way of tally > inventory voucher > press Alt + F5 OR CLICK ON SALES ORDER