for juniors and seniors TUITION FREE Career & College Promise College Classes for juniors and seniors TUITION FREE Career & College Promise Career & College Promise (CCP) provides seamless dual enrollment educational opportunities for eligible North Carolina high school students in order to accelerate completion of college certificates, diplomas and associate degrees that lead to college transfer or provide entry-level job skills. Career & College Promise is for students who want to get a head start on college and who are college-ready while still in high school. gives high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to get a “jump start” on a two-year or four-year degree while still in high school. Best of all, it is tuition free.
The purpose of Career and College Promise is to offer structured opportunities for qualified high school students to dually enroll in community college courses that provide pathways that lead to a certificate, diploma, or degree as well as provide entry-level jobs skills.
College Transfer Pathway Career and Technical Education Pathway
College Transfer Pathway Associate in Science STEM Major Associate in Arts Non-STEM Major There are 3 Pathways that a student can take to earn college credit while in high school. The first is…… Career and College Promise College Transfer: Associate in Science STEM or Technical Major Associate in Arts-Non STEM Major The Associate in Science and Art College Transfer Pathways are designed for high school juniors and seniors who wish to begin students toward the Associate in Science or Art degree and a baccalaureate degree. All courses that are general education and are included in the All Universal General Education Transfer Component courses in which the student earns a grade of “C” ore better will transfer for equivalency credit. English Composition Humanities Fine Arts Social Behavioral Sciences Math Natural Sciences
College Transfer Courses Courses students take during their freshmen year: ENG 111- Writing and Inquiry COM 231-Public Speaking HS 131-American History I* HIS 132-American History II* PSY 150- General Psychology SOC 210-Introcuction to Sociology BIO 110-Principles of Biology MAT 171-Precalculus Algebra* SPA 111-Spanish I* SPA 112-Spanish II* MAT 143- Quantitative Literacy MAT 171-Precalculus Algebra Etc. Courses receive honors credit on high school transcript
College Transfer Eligibility High school junior or senior Weighted 3.0 GPA or higher Demonstrate college readiness in English, reading and math- PLAN, PSAT, SAT, ACT, or NC DAP (Rowan- Cabarrus) Students maybe enrolled in the College Transfer Pathway and a Career and Technical Education Pathway
Career and Technical Pathways
Career and Technical Pathways North Campus-Salisbury Automotive Systems Technology (North) Computer-Integrated Machining-Basic (North) Criminal Justice Technology (North and Online) Early Childhood Education (North and Online) Welding Technology (North)
Career and Technical Pathways CBTC-HWY 29 and Poplar Tent Concord Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration (CBTC) Construction Management Technology (CBTC) Electronics Engineering Technology (CBTC) Information Technology(CBTC and online)
Career and Technical Pathways South- Interstate 85 at Exit 55 (HWY 73) Criminal Justice (South and Online) Early Childhood Education (South and Online) Motorsports Management
Manicuring/Nail Technology Career and Technical Pathways Cosmetology Programs West Ave. Kannapolis Cosmetology Esthetics Technology Manicuring/Nail Technology
Career and Technical Education Eligibility High school junior or senior Weighted 3.0 GPA on high school courses or have the recommendation of the high school principal or his/her designee and Meet the pre-requisities for the career pathway
Nurse Aide Certificate NCRC- Kannapolis Open to Seniors Only Information Sessions Feb. or March, 2017 20 applicants will be accepted Requirements: Minimum of 3.0 GPA College Ready in English, reading and math Attendance and discipline issues Essay Personal Interview
Process for Application Contact your school counselor Complete the application Must provide a Social Security # Complete the registration form Copy of high school transcript Copy of qualifying test scores
Important Information Reminder that the tuition is free Students are responsible for any lab fees Responsible for the purchase of textbooks (please see your guidance counselor for additional information) Students must provide their own transportation Conflicts between school and college schedules? Students are responsible for attending their college classes even when their high school is on break and vice-versa Orientation is required for all new CCP students-Summer 2016
704-214-3734 704-216-3528 Tena Martin Director, Career and Technical Education NCRC, Kannapolis 704-214-3734 Gene McCants – Advising Coordinator, High School Programs North Campus, Salisbury 704-216-3528 Mondays 8:00 – 5:00 Tuesdays 8:00 – 5:00 Thursdays 8:00 – 5:00