Engineering a better World CAETS ANNUAL MEETING 2017 Engineering a better World The conference will focus on the contributions of engineering to the Bioeconomy, emphasizing challenges such as future food security, the food-land-energy nexus, and the blue bioeconomy.
…Where? Europe Spain Madrid
Engineering a Better World CAETS 2017 Engineering a Better World Engineering a Better World is a flagship global conference, bringing national academies of engineering from around the world together with international development stakeholders to discuss the global importance of engineering for international development.
MADRID A modern metropolitan city Economical and industrial center of Spain 3,5 million people Located in the centre of the Iberian Peninsula Surrounded by mountains and natural parks Hub between different areas of Spain Connected to all major Spanish cities by train, road or air
Interesting attractions Great monuments: Royal Palace Plaza Mayor… Museums, with outstanding painting collections: Prado, Reina Sofia Thyssen… Two big amusement parks Regular international concerts, big markets, parades...
“Real Academia de Ingeniería” About the “Real Academia de Ingeniería”
RAI is the first national Academy created under the reign of H. M RAI is the first national Academy created under the reign of H.M. Juan Carlos I (1994) The first 36 Members were named by a Ministerial Order (1994). Later, new members were elected to fill the maximum number of 60 Full Members. RAI gathers the different branches of Engineering. With 62 correspondent members, outstanding Engineering professionals from 16 different nationalities.
RAI is a member of CAETS and Euro-CASE. Focused on very different issues: Education, Energy, Environment, Infrastructure, computer technology telecommunications. In 2005 RAI created the "Pro Rebus Academiae" Foundation, to foster the activities of the Academy.
Palace of Marqués de Villafranca (part of Spain's Historic Patrimony) Headquater since 2005 Palace of Marqués de Villafranca (part of Spain's Historic Patrimony)
Proposed themes
Engineering Future Food Security (the challenge of producing sufficient and healthy food by 2050 sustainably) Advances in biotechnology ICT applications for increasing food production Blue Bioeconomy (new systems for sustainable aquatic- based production) The Food-Energy nexus: Bioenergy
CAETS 2017 Convocation 14th to 17th of November Preliminary Program
14th November, 2017 Time Schedule 11:00 – 13:30 CAETS Executive Committee meeting 14:00 – 15:30 Lunch 16:00 – 18:00 CAETS Board of Directors meeting
15th – 16th November, 2017 Time Schedule Wednesday 15th Topics 09:00 Registration Food and Nutrition Security Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering 09:30 Opening speech 10:00 Main Lecture 11:00 Coffee break 11:30 Session I: F&NS 13:30 Lunch 14:30 Session IIB&GE:Green 16:30 17:00 Session III B&GE:Blue 18:30 End of the sessions 20:00 Congress official reception
15th – 16th November, 2017 Time Schedule Thursday 16 th Topics 09:00 Registration Bioenergy vs. Food (I) Innovative bioenergy sources (II) 09:30 Session IV Energy I 11:00 Coffee break 11:30 Session V EnergyII 13:30 Lunch 14:30 Rapporteurs’ conclusions and summary 15:30 Closing address by CAETS President 16:00 Farewell End of the Congress
17th November, 2017 Time Schedule 08:30 – 10:30 CAETS Council meeting 10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break 11:00 – 13:30 14:00 – 15:30 Lunch