Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
History of Robotics Robots was put to use in 1950’s, with the invention of transistors and integrated circuits. Compact, reliable electronics and a growing computer industry added brains to the brawn of already existing machines. The first manufacturing robot was ashtrays.
What is a Robot? Robot is a programmable machine that imitates the actions or appearance of an intelligent human. To qualify as a robot, it should be able to do at least two things: 1) Get information from its surroundings 2) Physically move or manipulate objects
Robots at Work Defusing bombs in Northern Ireland. Soldering wires to semiconductor chips Assembling cookies for Pepperidge. Painting cars at Ford plants. Walking into live volcanoes. Driving trains in Paris. Flying to other planets to explore Dive into deep water to recover things
Significance of Robots Robots are taking over jobs that are considered too dangerous for humans such as a bomb buster.
Bomb Buster Mini-Andros II Hazardous-Duty Mobile Robot.
Significance of Robots Robots are being used to do things that human can’t physically such as going to a long distant planet like Mars to explore or dive into a very deep ocean to recover.
Planets Rover Exploring other planets such as Mars.
Robots at Work Robots can also do boring jobs such as mechanical workers. Robots are ideal for jobs requiring repetitive, precise movements. Human workers need a comfortable working environment, salaries, coffee breaks, sleep, and vacations.
Chocolates Arranger Robotic arm arranging chocolates 20,000 times over the course of an eight-hour shift.
Robots at Work 90% of robots work in factories and more than ½ at work making automobiles.
Ethical Concerns Are there any kind of robots that shouldn't be created? Or that you wouldn't want to see created? Why?
Ethical Concerns Many people find the use of robotic devices to kill or control other human beings is a pathetic and catastrophic use of the technology.
Social Impact of Robotics Unemployment is an issue that is constantly raised in discussions about the social impact of robots.
Social Impact of Robotics Do you think that automation and the development of robotics will cause a big unemployment rate to the society? What should we as a society do for those people who lose their jobs?
Social Impact of Robotics Many people concern that more jobs are lost to cheap overseas job markets than to robots being implemented in existing companies. People are designed to use their minds, so they should be trained to perform higher level of work.
What is Artificial Intelligence? It is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. It is related to the similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence.
But What is Intelligence? Intelligence is the computational part of the ability to achieve goals in the world. Varying kinds and degrees of intelligence occur in people, many animals and some machines.
History of Artificial Intelligence The research on AI started after WWII. The English mathematician Alan Turing was the first to give a lecture on AI in 1947. He decided that AI was best researched by programming computers rather than by building machines.
What is the Turing Test? The Turing test is a one-sided test through the method of teletype. If machine could successfully pretend to be human to a knowledgeable observer then it should be considered intelligent.
Cyberspace Bot In the online communities known as MUDs created a complex computer program named Julia that can chat and interact just like a human.
Julia’s Capabilities Julia is able to talk about sports, keep track of players’ whereabouts, and be able to detect flirting messages and handle it appropriately.
Julia the Bot She has special abilities that most humans lack such as Julia wonders through a MUD, she creates a map of its geography, gives directions for how to get from one virtual place to another, and relays messages.
How Julia Works Julia responds by looking for particular strings of characters in messages typed to her and chat with other humans using the language that is common to most people.
Examples 1 Lenny waves to Julia Julia hugs Lenny Brandi bites Julia Julia considers reporting Brandi to the police Julia shuns all vermin like Brandi
Examples 2 Ace says, “So why won’t you kiss me, Julia?” Julia says, “Sorry, I’m not into geeks, Ace.” Ace says, “Julia, I’m not a geek.” Julia says, “Then lose the pocket protector, Ace.”
Examples 3 Space-Ace says, “Julia, kiss me.” Julia says, “Why, did your sheep leave you?” Space-Ace says, “Julia kiss me.” Julia says, “Take a long walk through an unlinked exit, Space-Ace.”
Uses of Robots Creating robots have endless uses in industry, home, assistive care, and a countless number of other areas. So far, we’re very successful at creating manufacturing robots but we are still years away from creating a successful autonomous humanoid robot.
Latest Humanoid Robot At Honda, Robots P2 and the newer P3, that do what no two-legged robot has done before: walk, climb stairs, and regain their balance. The Honda Humanoid Project is a first step towards universal robots–robots with the flexibility, intelligence, and mobility of human beings.
Honda Humanoid Robot