◄random slide button The Assemblies of God Fundamental Truths e-Flashcards, Basic Version 125 KB Use this PowerPoint as electronic flashcards to learn the Fundamental Truths for our class and District licensing exams. These are minimum statements of the Truths with 2 good references. You should also study the Truths in depth! TO USE: As you click you will be asked for each of the Truths. Succeeding clicks will show the Truth and its Scriptures. There is a HiTech Version of these cards with audio, but it is a very large file. You can click through these slides in order or, click the red button (upper left) on any slide, to go randomly. The ctrl+home keys bring you to the first slide. (To use the random buttons, you may need to go to: TOOLS > OPTIONS > SECURITY > MACRO SECURITY & click MEDIUM.) Experiment with these different ways of learning in light of the Kolb Learning Styles Inventory and other tools on our class “Get Acquainted Form.” For Him, with prayers for great success! Blessings, BRM
What is the significance of the Preamble to the Truths? 2 facts about our Fundamental Truths: A basis for fellowship Language is not critical Our 4 Cardinal Doctrines: Salvation Spirit Baptism Healing The Blessed Hope
What is FT #1? Scripture is inspired by God 2 Tim 3:15-17 2 Pet 1:21
What is FT #2? God is 1 being in a Trinity of 3 persons Deut 6:4 Matt 28:19
What is FT #3? Jesus Christ is fully divine [and fully human] Matt 1:23 Heb 1:3
What is FT #4? Humanity was created holy but chose to sin in Adam Gen 1-3 Rom 5:12-21
What is FT #5? Salvation is through Christ alone Rom 10:13-15 Titus 3:5-7 *A cardinal doctrine
What is FT #6? 2 Ordinances Water Baptism by immersion Communion Matt 28:19 1 Cor 11:26.
What is FT #7? Spirit Baptism is distinct from & subsequent to salvation: Acts 1:4 Acts 1:8 *A cardinal doctrine
What is FT #8? Tongues is the Initial Physical Evidence of Spirit Baptism Acts 2:4 1 Cor 12:4-10
What is FT #9 Sanctification is growing in holiness Rom 6:1-13
What is FT #10? Church’s mission: worship edification evangelism Matt 28:19-20 Acts 1:8
What is FT #11? Ministry is divinely called to lead the church Mark 16:15-20 Eph 4:11-16
What is FT #12? Divine healing is for all believers Isa 53:4-5 Matt 8:16-17 *A cardinal doctrine
What is FT #13? Blessed Hope is Christ’s imminent return for believers 1 Thess 4:16-17 Titus 2:13 *A cardinal doctrine
What is FT #14? Millennium is Christ’s 1000 years reign on earth Zech 14:5 Rev 20:1-6
What is FT #15? Final judgment is for the evil to eternal punishment Matt 25:46 Rev 20:11-15
What is FT #16? New Heavens & Earth are for believers 2 Pet 3:13 Rev 21-22